Part 1

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"Why can't I breathe? Where am I? My body feels so light...what happened to me?" I open my eyes and all I see is water "Why can't I speak?" I open my mouth, bubbles come out of my mouth, and right as I'm about to close my eyes I see something shiny in the corner of my eye "W-What is that?" I reach out for it, but my body won't move. "How did I end up here? Surrounded by water, slowly sinking."

~ Ten hours earlier~

I walk over to one of the tables I wait on and hand them their menus "My name is Marianna and I'm your waitress today." I smile, but then I realize who is sitting at my table.

"Oh look it's Mary the orphan," The table is filled with cheerleaders and football players all of them laugh at me, the popular group is sitting at my table and I think to myself "This is just great." I force a smile and she continues, "What's wrong? Are you mad at me?" She bats her eyelashes, her and everyone at the table starts to laugh, but the quarterback, her brother.

"That's enough, Joyce, leave her alone. She's our waitress she might spit in our food if you're mean to her." Joyce glares at her brother, nods, then glares at me.

"Okay, Lee." She smiled at him. I'm so embarrassed; he didn't have to do that I'm already used to it. My parents and my brother passed away when I was five from a horrible car accident and since then I lived in an orphanage, but I'm the only kid left, everyone was adopted. Mr. Garret is the man who owns the orphanage he is very strict and he tends to be abusive if I say a word against him. He strikes me as every little thing I do wrong.

Just thinking I'll have to go home in three hours makes me upset "Marianna...are you listening to me?" My best friend, Samuel, pulled me out of thought and the look on his face when he turns me to him is that of worry. "Why are you crying? Did Joyce and her followers say something to you?"

I shook my head "No..." my voice is faint "I was remembering about things." He apologizes to Joyce and everyone at my table, drags me away from them and hugs me.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me," I hug him back and cry harder. "I'm fine," I wipe away the tears on my face "thank you, Sam."

He smiles "I'll always be here for you," he grabs my little notebook from my hand and slowly walks away "Ask Gabe if you can leave early, and I'll take your shift."

I shook my head "No! You can't do that!" I try to grab my notebook back from him, but he puts his hand so I can't reach.

"Hey, I can't reach! Give the notebook back," I try jumping to reach the notebook, but Sam is the way too tall. I glare at him "not fair! You're too tall." He laughs, and when he is distracted I get the notebook from him.

I laugh "I got it back," I got my notebook back from him "I'll be okay you don't have to worry about me." I say to Sam before I walk out if the kitchen and back to my table.

"I'm sorry for the wait. Whenever you're ready I'll take your order." I smile at them and the girls giggle.

Joyce looks at her menu and thinks for a couple seconds "I'll have a salad and water. Girls?" There were two other girls.

"Same as Joyce," the two girls both respond.

I sigh "How about Lee?"

He looks through the menu "I'd like a cheeseburger with large fries and a vanilla milkshake."

"Alright, I'll be right out with your food." I walk to give Frank, the cook, the orders and I walk to the restroom to go to the bathroom. I got done when Joyce and her followers walk into the bathroom.

"Can you believe Marianna? She looks like a whale in that blue dress." Joyce says as her and her followers laugh.

"She thinks she looks good in that. That's funny, she looks like a whale with polka dots." The tallest one out of the girl's sneers.

"She is such a fatty. She thinks she is so cute, but she really isn't." the blonde, skinny one of the girl's giggles and they walk out.

I'm still in the stall, crying my eyes out and I walk out of the stall, splash water on my face, and when I walk out I bump into someone. "I-I'm sorry." The person grips my shoulder firmly.

"Are you okay? Why were you crying?" It was Lee.

"'s nothing I promise." I fake a smile and walk away.

He grabs my arm roughly "No, you're not. Did my sister say something to you?" I pull away and I try walking away again.

"I'm fine," he grabs my arm again, but this time it hurts "You're hurting me, please stop." I pull my hand away from him as hard as I could, but it didn't work.

"Answer me and I'll let you go." He says with sadness in his voice.

I'm silent for a moment then I sigh "Y-Your sister and her friends said something I really didn't want to hear, but I'm okay." I fake a smile.

"Promise?" he slowly lets go of my arm.

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