Part 4

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                                                                       ~Ten Minutes later~

When I finally get to the beach I see Cole standing there waiting for me. "Finally, God what took you so long?" I sigh and walk over to him.

"I was busy. What do you want?" I rest my hand on my hip and look at him.

He walks over to me and I back up a little bit. "Don't touch me!" He quickly picks me up and runs into the water. I look at him in shock. "I can't believe he can carry me...he's carrying me like I weigh nothing." When he get deep enough in the ocean.

"What are you doing? Don't put me down! Take me back to shore!" He throws me into the water and I start sinking.

"Come on!" I see Cole swim past me his midnight blue tail shimmers in the sunlight.

"This is how you saved me?" I catch up to him, he nods, and we swim together.

"Have you always been a mermaid, Marianna?" I nod.

"My mom was a mermaid. She never got the chance to tell me about being a mermaid." He sighs.

"What happened to them?" Cole asks his voice full of concern.

"Both of my parents passed away in a car accident when I was five, and the worst part of the accident was that it took my younger brother," I pause taking a deep breath "he was only one."

Cole stops swimming and looks at me, "I'm sorry." I smile.

"Thanks, but it has been fourteen years so I'm okay." I don't notice Cole swimming towards me.

"Don't cry, I'm sorry," He wipes my tears and grabs my hand. "Lets go to shore now, we don't want to stay this form for to long." We start to swim to shore.

"Thanks I really needed a swim." I start wringing out my hair when Cole suddenly grabs and pulls me out of sight.

"What the he-." He covers my mouth with his hand and I lick his hand.

"You still have your tail and there are people walking by." My tail vanishes.

"Thanks, Cole." I look up at him and into his beautiful blue eyes. He leans in, our lips almost touching, I lean in all the way and kiss him. He kisses me back softly, but roughly at the same time, his tongue dances on my lips waiting for me to open my mouth, I open my mouth letting his tongue dance along mine. "Why don't I hate this? Why does it feel good kissing him?" I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me, he wraps his arms around my waist, holding me close to him, my arms wrap around and I tangle my fingers in his jet-black hair. He stops kissing me and pulls away.

"Mari?" He whispers, and I look up at him.

"What's wrong, Cole?' He rests his head on my shoulder.

He chuckles "It feels amazing kissing you. Can I kiss you again?" I bite my lip and nod.

His lips touch mine again, his hands move from my waist to my butt, my hand continues to play with his hair, his tongue dances on mine, he gently squeezes my butt and my face gets redder as we kiss, but the happy moment didn't last long.

"Marianna, what are you doing?" A male voice, full of anger asks.

Cole and I stop to look behind us and see Lee standing there. "Lee? What are you doing here?" Lee looks at Cole and Cole at him. Cole's hands still on my butt, mine still around his neck.

"You whore!" Lee yells at me. I let go of Cole's hair and move my arms, Cole lets go of my butt, and I turn to look at Lee.

"I'm not a whore, why would you call me that?" He walks closer and points at Cole.

"You're kissing him! After you kissed me this morning!" Tears form in my eyes and Cole steps up.

"You have no right to call her that!" I look at Cole in shock and the tears stream down my face.

"Of course I do! She played me! I like her and she goes around kissing other guys!" Cole walks up to him and punches him in the face.

"I kissed her, and I don't regret it so if you want to yell at someone yell at me!" I start to cry, "Why is he being so nice to me? Why does he care so much about me?" I move on from my trail of thinking when I hear Cole say something I would never think he would say.

"Mari is my childhood love. I've loved her since we were five." I look at him confused.

"What are you talking about, Cole? I just met you yesterday at the hospital." He sighs and turns to me.

"Our mothers were really good friends and we used to play with each other when we were little, but after your parents died in the car crash, and you were the only survivor, my mom told me not to get close to you. You had amnesia and you wouldn't remember me or anything," He pauses for a few seconds "and I personally wouldn't be able to handle seeing you and you not knowing who I was." Lee looks back and forth at us and takes this chance to punch Cole.

Cole falls to the ground and I scream "Leave us the hell alone!" and I sit on the ground and put Cole's head on my lap, I play with his hair. "Cole, are you okay? He hit you a little too hard." He slowly wakes up.

"Is he gone?" I nod and stop him when he tries to sit up.

"No, you were hit a little to hard." I lay him back down and he smiles.

"I like using your lap as a pillow." I blush and smile.

" Is what you just said true? Are we really childhood friends?" He smiles.

"Of course, Mari, I wouldn't lie to you." I lean down and kiss him.

"Good, because what you said made my heart flutter. No one has ever said anything that nice to me." He sits up.

"N-." before I can tell him to lay back down he pushes me to the ground and is hovering over me.

"Let me lay here." He lays down, his head on my breasts; I giggle and play with his hair.

"Fine just don't do anything," He chuckles, moves his hands to my waist, and I squeal. "No, promises." 

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