Part 9

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                                                                              ~An hour later~

I made the noodles and the soup. "It smells so good." I smell in the aroma of the homemade soup, the soup distracts me from the sound of heavy footsteps behind me, and a head on my shoulder.

"It smells really good, Monica, when did you learn to cook?" His arms wrap around my waist and he pulls me close to him. "Who is Monica? Is she an ex?" He kisses the nape of my neck and my face grows hot. "Have you gained weight?" My eyebrow starts twitching; I grab a ladle and smack him over the head with it.

He rubs his head and looks at me "Hey, are did you make food?" my eyebrow twitches more "He doesn't remember anything!"

"Yes, I am," I try and reach two bowls, but apparently I'm too short.

"Do you need help shorty?" Ryker says with a chuckle. He presses his body against my back, reaching over me to grab a bowl, my face heats up, and I feel his abs through my shirt.

"Thanks, and while you're up there grab two." He looks down and smiles at me.

"You made me some?" He asks.

"Well, duh. It's your money that paid for all the food, so I thought I would be nice and let you eat some." He places the bowls down and hugs me from behind, his arms once again around my waist and he brings me super close to him.

"I haven't had a home-cooked meal in so long, thank you." Hearing him say that brought a smile to my face.

"Now that I'm living with you, you'll have a lot more home cooked things." He hugs me tighter.

I hear him mumble something under his breath, but I couldn't hear it. A knock at the door changes everything. "Are you expecting anyone, Ryker?" he shrugs and walks over to the door. "This smells really good, I can't wait to eat it." I think to myself before I see him running towards me sacredly.

"Pretend to be my girlfriend." His hands on my shoulders, the bowl of soup in my hands, and I look at the soup then him and back to the soup then back at him.

"Hmmm. No." I walk past him to the dining room table and sit down.

"Please! Please! Please!" He walks over to me and gets on his knees begging me.

"Why?" He sighs.

"My job makes me work with people I really don't like and a lot of women and most of those women follow me around, ask me out to coffee or dinner, just show up at my apartment, and the worst part is most of them are ugly." He whispers the last part and I choke on my soup and laugh.

"Okay, I'll help you, just give me a second." He smiles and runs back over to the door. I take a deep breath and walk into his room and open my suitcase.

I put my long, wavy, bright red hair into a high ponytail; I take off my t-shirt and pants and look through his closet for a button down. "Found one." I put it on "Good thing he has a large build, otherwise this wouldn't fit." I button it, and it just barely goes past my knees, I mess up my ponytail a little bit, and I walk out to see Ryker talking to an older woman, not gray old, but obviously older than us. I take a deep breath and walk over to him hugging him from behind.

"Babe, come back to bed," I look around him look at the woman "can I help you?" She looks at me with confusion.

"Ryker, I didn't know you had a girlfriend." Her soft, calm voice, and her hands full with cakes and other sweets, I walk around Ryker so I'm standing in front of him.

"I'm sorry, but Ryker and I are busy so if you could please leave that would be great." I smile evilly at her.

"Oh, what were you guys doing?" Her face reddens and I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah, babe what were we doing?" I glare at Ryker.

"Babe you don't remember? Shall I help you?" Her face gets redder as I get on my tiptoes to bite his earlobe, but I whisper in his ear "I hate you so much." He smiles as I wrap my arms around his neck and come so closely to kissing him when the woman says.

"I-I'll be leaving now." I watch the woman walk away then I close the door.

"Thank god. I wasn't going to really kiss you." He looks at me sadly.

"Why not? Am I not pretty enough for you?" he says sarcastically.

"No, you're extremely hot, but I just lost Cole and it's a little early for that." His cheeks turn a rosy pink.

"Really? You think I'm hot?" I glare at him, nod, and the biggest smile appears on his face.

Our stomachs growl "Lets eat." 

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