Part 8

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~Another three hours later~

I sit down and look around the newly clean apartment. "I cleaned every room, dusted, swept, mopped, vacuumed, did the dishes, and made his bed. Why was this place so dirty?" my stomach growls, "I'm hungry," I look at the clean kitchen and sigh. "I'll go make something," I walk into the kitchen and look through the fridge "nothing. He has beer, and cheese," I check the cabinets and once again nothing.

I walk over to the couch, lay down, close my eyes, and after awhile I feel asleep.

Soon after I feel asleep I feel light and like I'm being carried. I open my eyes and see Ryker carrying me. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, so you're awake, did I wake you?" I rub my eyes and yawn.

"Yeah," my stomach growls, "why don't you have any food in your house?" He stops walking and puts me down.

"I'm never really home and I usually eat out." I sigh.

"What time is it?" I stretch.

"Nine in the morning." I look at him confusingly.

"What?" I look up at the clock. "Wow, I got here at seven yesterday, I cleaned for three hours and then I fell asleep," I stand there. "I'm hungry, can we get something to eat?" He sighs.

"No, I'm tired." He yawns.

"Fine. Can I please have some money to buy some food?" he nods and hands me his wallet.

"Be careful," he stops and yawns. "And be back quickly." I nod and quickly leave.

I leave and get to the store. "Okay, let's see how much money he has," I open his wallet and my jaw hangs open. "How does he have so much money?"

I walk into the store, grab a cart and walk around putting almost everything in the cart. I walk to check out when I see Joyce and her gang. "Oh look it's a whale." Joyce cackles, but her followers don't. They walk over to me.

"What can I help you ladies? Daisy? Grace?" I look at both of them, and what happens next surprises me. They hug me and apologize for what they did.

"We are so sorry for what we did." They say at the same time.

"Sorry for what?" Tears fill their eyes.

"You know... trying to kill you." I let go of the cart and hug them back.

"It's okay, I'm not mad. I would've died happy, but lately I don't care about anything or anyone." They stop hugging me and look at me.

"What do you mean?" Grace asks.

"I mean I don't care about anything anymore. I could die right now and not care." Joyce walks over to me and stands right in front of me.

"I came make that happen." She smiles crookedly.

"I'd like to see you try," I snarl at her. "I'll be seeing you around." I grab the cart and start walking to the check out counter.

"How is your day ma'am?" He smiles and I fake a smile at him.

"Great! Just amazing!" The sarcasm spews out of my mouth like venom. "How is you day? Are you doing well I hope you are." His face changes from joyful to scared.

"Is this all ma'am?" I clean out the cart and he rings everything up.

"Yup. How much?" He looks at the screen and his eyes widen.

"Three-hundred and twenty-five dollars." I look in the wallet and pull out six fifties, a twenty and a five.

"Here you go." He looks at me confusingly.

"Ma'am don't you want to use a card?" I shake my head. "Oh, okay." He takes the money and counts it all and puts in the register. I bag everything, put it in my cart and roll it out with me.

"Good thing I stole his keys." I put everything in the car.

When I get back the lights are off and I guess Ryker is still sleeping. I carry all the bags inside by myself, and unpack them. "Finally done," I wipe my forehead and smile.

"What should I make to eat?" I think for a second. "Maybe some homemade soup," I nod and grab everything I need for the soup. Broth, chicken breast, carrots, celery, but the only thing I don't have is noodles. "Great, no noodle," I roll my eyes "I'll have to make some." 

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