Part 2

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"Yes, I promise." I say then I quickly walk away.

"Why does Joyce and her followers bully me? I've been nothing, but nice to them. What the hell did I ever do to them?" I think to myself as I bump into another person and I just glare at the person who bumped into me.

"Mari, you better not be glaring at me," I realize that Sam was the one who bumped into me.

"Sorry I'm just having a hard day." He looks at me concerned.

"You want to go home? I'll take your shift." I smile.

"Yeah, I want to go. Thanks, Sam." I hug him, take off my apron, hand it to Sam turn to walk away, but he gently grabs my hand.

"You look beautiful in that blue polka dot dress. Is it new?" I smile; walk out and out of the corner of my eye I catch Lee staring at me.

~Five hours later~

"How long have I been walking for? It's already getting dark...should I head home?" I think to myself and I decide not to go home yet so I sat on the beach.

"It's so nice out here." I take a deep breath when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Joyce told me what she and her friends did," he sighs, "I came here to apologize on her behalf."

I sigh, "I don't need your pity. I'm fine. Thanks." He smirks.

"Oh really. Then I'll leave." He stands up, but I grab his wrist.

"I-I don't want to be alone." I look to the ground my face is as red as a strawberry.

"I'll stay a little longer," He sits back down.

"Thank you," I yawn, "It really means a lot."
"Have you heard all the rumors going around?" he looks at me.

I pull my legs up to my chest "About me? Yeah, why?"

"No, about the mermaids." I laugh.

"What? The myths that little girls want to be?" He chuckles.

"Yeah," he moves closer to me. "The rumor is that those who die at sea become these beautiful creatures..." he's quiet for a moment and he lays back to look at the stars. "You don't need to be a mermaid to be beautiful."

I sit there in shock "W-What? Me beautiful?"

He puts his hands behind his head. "Yeah, very."

I blush and lay back, too.

~Many hours later~

All we did for all of those beautiful and wonderful hours are sit there, talk, star gaze, laugh and enjoy each other's company. He sits up and looks at his watch "Wow, we've been here for about four and a half hours."

"Really? My dad must be worried." I think to myself.

"Yeah, worried he's probably hungry, drunk, and pissed."

He grabs my hand. "Lee, what are you doing?"

He puts on hand on my waist and the other on my chin raising it to look at him "I'm going to kiss you. Is that okay?"

My face goes red "Y-Yeah." I put my hands on his chest and his lips slowly move closer to mine, I close my eyes and waited. His soft lips touched mine in a gentle kiss. His hand moves from my waist to my back pulling me closer to him kissing me passionately, and my hands move to around his neck pulling him closer to me, but high pitch yelling ruins the moment. "Joyce is here yelling for her brother. She's ruining everything."

He stops kissing me "I'm sorry... my sister is yelling for me," He sighs and slowly let's me go "I have to go."

I sigh "Okay." He leans in a little before he leaves.

"One last kiss before I leave." I blush and nod.
He kisses me softly. His sister and her followers walk closer to scream and us when they see us kissing. "Lee! You're kissing a whale!" he stops kissing me for the second time.

"Joyce, do you always have to interfere in my relationships?" He yells at her and storms off not even looking back.

"Look what you did you fat whale!" Joyce slaps me.

"You ugly whore!" the tallest one pushes me so hard I fall on the ground.

"You deserve this! Stay away from Lee and the rest of the football team!" They all start kicking me.

Kicking me in the head, chest, and back, I cough up blood and they just stand there laughing at me and kicking me over and over and over. All I heard was the sound of the waves, and the sound of laughing girls, but a man's voice over powers them "Joyce, Grace, Daisy! Are you coming it's eleven-fifty eight! Let's go!" Tears stream down my face and the taste of blood in my mouth gets stronger. They rolled me closer to the ocean.
"Bye-Bye whale, go back to where you belong." Joyce laughs.

"Is she alive?" the blonde, skinny one, Grace, says with fear in her voice.

"Joyce did we go to far?" the tallest one, Daisy, also says with fear in her voice.

Joyce just laughs "Yeah, we didn't kill her calm down we'll see her at school tomorrow." 

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