Was it all a dream?

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I'm cold, how am I cold? I open my eyes, but all I see is black. A bright light slowly lights up the area and all I  see is sand.  "No, no, no!" I move to my back and look up at the sky, in the distance I hear laughing.  I know that laugh it's Joyce and her followers,  was it all a dream? I lay there till they were gone,  and then I sat up.  I look out to the ocean and finally decide to go for a swim. I take off my dress and slowly walk into the sea "I need to know if it was a dream." I walk till I can't touch anymore and start swimming further and further out until I get tired.  I take my last breath as I let myself sink. After a couple minutes I can't hold my breath anymore and I open my mouth letting water fill my lungs,  I gasp for air as my body sinks more. Fighting the urge to swim to the surface my body just sinks.  I gasp for air as I lose consciousness and my eyes shut for the last time. "I knew it... It was all a dream."  My heart stops beating and it's over. 

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