Is it true or not?

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I'm sitting on the bathroom floor looking up and the ceiling, when Cole walks back into the bathroom. "Hey, princess." He helps me up and walks me to our bed.

"Cole, why did you leave?" He lays me down and puts the blanket over me.

"I got this." he hands me a box of pregnancy tests. 

"Do you think I'm pregnant?" he smiles. 

"No, I'm kinda hoping." I smile and I grab the box. 

After three minutes my phone alarm dings, I take a deep breath. I look at the pregnancy test and tears well up in my eyes. 

"Mari? Are you?" I give him the test and the biggest smile spreads across his face. "I'm gonna be a dad." he gives me a hug and holds me close.  

"I'm gonna be a mother." I pause and look at Cole. "We are gonna be a family. I love you, Cole."

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