It's time.

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I wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs. "Mari, time to wake up." I slowly wake up, sit up, yawn and stretch.

"Morning." I smile at him, and he hands me a tray of food.

"Here, eat, get dressed I'm taking you out." He smiles, kisses my forehead, and walks out of our room. I eat, get dressed and walk out the room to see Cole with a rose.

He walks over to me hands it to me. "Aww, Cole this is beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you." He caresses my face and kisses me. I kiss him back, wrapping my arms around his neck and his arms around my waist. "I love you, Mari, I'm so happy with you."  I smile and then have I start feeling nauseous.

I run to the bathroom and throw up in the toilet, Cole runs in and holds my hair back for me, I throw up for the next ten minutes and I lay back. "Cole?" He runs his fingers through my hair.

"Yes, baby?" I tear up.

"Can you leave me alone for right now, I wanna take a warm bath and lay down." He kisses my forehead, and walks out of the bathroom.  I slowly stand up, take my clothes off, and start my bath.

I slowly sit down in the bath, slowly lay back and soak in the hot water for hours.

"Mari?" Cole knocks on the door "are you okay?" I sigh deeply, and stand up.

"I think so." I wrap a towel around myself and walk out of the bathroom. I walk into our room, but then I run back into the bathroom and throw up again.

"Babe, are you okay?" He rubs my back.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I promise." I throw up for a few minutes, then I lay back, Cole still rubbing my back, and wipe my mouth.

"I'll be right back." He says as he kisses my forehead and walks out of the bathroom.

"Throwing up, I'm really hungry all the time, I'm sore all over,"  I rub my stomach. "Am I pregnant?" 

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