Part 10

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                                                                              ~An hour later~

We finish eating, and then we clean all the dishes. I look up at the clock "Three in the afternoon. Do you have to work today, Ryker?" he shakes his head.

"No, why?" I shrug and head to his room to get changed.

I take off his button down; I'm standing in his room with only my bra and underwear on when he walks into the room. We stare at each other for a few minutes.

"I'm so sorry." He covers his eyes and I stand there dumbfound.

"Why?" he keeps covering his eyes.

"I walked in on you in you underwear." I look at him.

"And? You've seen me in a bikini before, remember?"

"That's different." He stands there still covering his eyes.

"Open your eyes. I'm showing the same thing as a bikini does," I walk over to him and uncover his eyes. "See?" he slowly opens his eyes his cheeks super red.

"You are so beautiful." I walk to him and smack him.

"Come on, lets go swimming," I shoo him out of the room "but before that I need to change into my swimsuit." He doesn't move.

"Why? You're showing the same amount of skin." I face palm.

"Get out!" I push him out of the room. I slam the door in his face and change into my blue bikini.

I walk out to see Ryker already in his waiting for me. "Marianna, hurry up!" He has two towels and is smiling from ear to ear.

I smile "Should I make sandwiches so we can eat at the beach?" He nods and I go in the kitchen and quickly make a few sandwiches. "Okay, a few sandwiches. I'm ready." I feel something drape over my shoulders, I look up at Ryker, but I can't see his face.

"It's a little chilly." I laugh.

"It's 85 degrees outside. It's not chilly." He gently pushes me to the door.

"Let's go then." He opens the door and we head to the beach.

"I love how the weather is usually so nice, no matter the time of year." I zip up Ryker's red jacket and we talk the whole way to the beach.

I fake a smile at him and look at the ground. "What's wrong?" I shrug.

"Maybe it's the fact that I lost both Cole and Mr. Garret in the same day and he wanted to tell me something." He puts his hand on my head and ruffles my hair.

"Stop it," I glare at him and he smiles slightly. I pull my long, red hair into a high ponytail. "Come lets go swimming!" I grab his hand, smile and start running to the beach.

He runs with me and when we get there the beach is full of people. "What do we do now?" He smiles.

"We relax." His hand still in mine he pulls me behind him to a clear spot on the beach. He lays out our towels and I take off Ryker's jacket and as I'm about to head down to the water a little kid, about three, trips.

"Are you okay?" I help him up and he looks and smiles at me.

"You're really pretty." I smile.

"Thank you, are you okay?" I help him up and I wipe off his legs.

"Yes, tank you." His father walks by.

"Thank you so much." I smile.

"No problem, I love kids." He smiles and Ryker walks up behind me and wraps his arm around my shoulder when I stand up.

"Come one, Marianna, lets go swimming." He pulls me away and grabs my wrist and walks me over to the beach. We walk into the water and swim deeper and deeper into the ocean. Our fins out and use swimming.

"Ryker?" I go above the water and look around to see him swimming towards me. I look towards the shore to see Lee with another gun, he aims it at Ryker and I push him underwater when I feel a sharp pain in my neck and I hear Ryker's voice fade as my eyes flutter shut.

"Marianna! Marianna!" I feel a light pressure on my chest, I cough up water and I open my eyes to see Cole.

"Cole?" He looks at me confusingly.
"How do you remember me?" I look up to see the dark night sky and to see sand and ocean around me.

Tears stream down my cheeks; I sit up quickly, and hug Cole. "You're alive." I hug him tightly and he hugs me back.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be alive?" I kiss him and he looks at me with wide eyes and puts his on my waist kissing me back.

"Marianna, what are you doing?" I look at him.

"I'm kissing you. Do you not like it?" I kiss him again, but he stops me.

"I love it, but how do you remember me?" I tell him everything that I remember and saw in my dream.

"Oh my god," He blushes "I do love you, Marianna." I hug him.

"I love you, too." I wrap my arms around his neck, kiss him and he wraps his arms around my waist deepening the kiss. He dances his tongue over my lips and I slightly open my lips letting our tongues dance together. I intertwine my fingers in his hair and he grabs my and pulls it so he can kiss my neck. I smile and a small noise escapes my mouth.

"Wait," I push him off gently "It's only been at least ten minutes we can't go that far." He smiles and sighs.

"Okay, but I hope you like the mark I left on your neck." I touch my neck.

"What did you do?" He smiles again and kisses my lips one last time.

"I gave you a hickey." I blush.

"You didn't?" He chuckles and helps me up.

"Let's get you home." We hold hands as he walks me to my house.

"Well," I kiss him on the cheek and I walk into my house drenched in water and Mr. Garret is standing there with a worrying expression on his face, "Mr. Garret? What are you doing?" He hugs me and mumbles to himself.

"I thought I lost you, I already lost your mother, I don't want to lose you too." I push him off.

"W-What are you talking about?" He sighs and lets go.

"Come sit down and I'll tell you everything." I follow him into the living room.

"Okay, go on. Tell me everything." He takes a deep breath.

"I'm your father. I was the one driving the night your mother and brother died," tears form in my eyes, "I loved your mother and your mother loved me, she used her power to erase your memory of that night."

"What do you mean?" Tears trickle down my cheeks.

"That night it wasn't an accident, a man was in the middle of the road and I swerved to avoid him and I hit a tree and rolled down into a ditch and unlike what you were told we where on our way to the beach, you guys needed it," I take a deep breath, "Your brother had my black hair and your mom's gray eyes, you got your mother's bright red hair and my green eyes."

"You can't be my dad!" tears well up in my eyes and I put my head in my hands. "No, no, no!" Tears roll down my cheeks with ease. 

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