Part 6

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                                                                    ~About an hour later~

After awhile we stop and stand up. "Its getting really late I should get home." Cole looks at me and hugs me tightly.

"Let me walk you home." I hug him back, nod, grab my things, and then grab his hand.

"Okay! Let's go." I say with a huge smile on my face.

We finally get to my house, I look at Cole, he leans down for a kiss, I gladly kiss him and when I get inside Mr. Garret slaps me across the face hard and when I look over at the couch I see Lee. "Lee's family has a lot of money and if you marry him we can have," He shakes his head "I mean you can have lots of money." I shake my head no.

"The only reason you want me to marry him is for the money," I stand there thinking to myself "This is so cliché. The "father" marrying off his daughter for the man's money." I cross my arms in front of my chest. "I'm nineteen. I should've moved out by now. I don't need anyone to take care of me! I'm a grown woman!" Mr. Garret smacks me again.

"You will not move out! You will marry Lee! I don't want you to talk back to me again!" He sways back and forth and I roll my eyes "He's drunk...why does he always drink? I'm a good person, I don't do drugs or smoke or anything that would make him upset with me...why does he always drink?"

"No, I will not!" I storm out of the house, slam the door, and start walking. I walk for so long my legs start to hurt. I look around and I found myself by the beach. I take off my blue skirt and run into the ocean.

I start swimming and swimming and swimming and swimming not caring where I'm going just swimming. "He can't marry me off to someone I don't love!" I sigh and look at my tail, my red ombric tail swimmers in the sunlight as I swim to the surface to dive deeper down into the ocean.

I swim deeper and deeper until it gets cold and dark. "Where am I? What did I do?" I stop and look around, but I can't see anything. I sigh and start to swim up, but something grabs my tail.

"Listen here, kid, you swam to deep. If you don't swim up soon you'll go blind and grow barnacles!" the person lets go of me and I swim as fast as I can to the surface. When I get to the surface I see how far out I am from the shore.

I breathe heavily "He scared me." I look to the shore to see someone standing there crossing their arms, then they take off their shirt and start swimming towards me. I stay there and wait until they get here their head pops up and its not Cole. "I thought it was Cole...who is this? Why doesn't he scare me?" I look him in the eyes and he looks me in the eyes. His eyes are red, not from veins his irises are red, his dark olive skin, and brown hair make me speechless. A fin pokes up, I look at it and I start to freak out a little bit then the man says.

"You don't need to worry he doesn't bite." He says in his deep voice. I look down and see a shark.

"Like hell, he won't bite!" The man swims to me and covers my mouth.

"Shut up or he will bite you." He angrily whispers at me.

I grab his hand and pull if off of my mouth "Don't touch me." I turn away from him, but he grabs my hand.

"You better get to shore quickly before you lose someone dear to you." He lets go and dives down, but the fin stays I go underwater and stare the shark right in the face and he stares back. It swims closer to me and I reach my hand out and the shark's nose is in my hand and I pet him.

"Wait someone I care about," I pause "the only person I care about is...Cole!" I start swimming as quickly as I can to the shore and when I get there I hear sirens I grab my skirt, quickly put it on and run to the sirens and when I get there its horrible an ambulance, cops and firefighters. "What happened and what did he mean someone I care about? Where is Cole? Where is he?" I start freaking out and when I get close to the ambulance I see Cole laying on a gurney and it looks like he was burnt to death I look up to see that the dinner I work is on fire, but the only one that died was Cole.

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