Chapter 9: Little did they know

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Levy's POV

"Then he offered me a ride because it was raining and I accepted so I assure you we are nothing more than friends...well i'm not sure if he considers me a friend but-"
"So you would like to be friends with him" Lucy interuppted
"Well yeah...he isn't what he seems you know" I replied shyly
"Come on I won't judge you" Lucy said randomly
"Huh what do you mean?"
She rolled her eyes and leaned forward, she was practically in my face
"You. Like. Him"
The fact that she paused between every word was nerve wracking enough but I think my face just went red for about the 5th time today. I shuffled back trying to get away from her accusing, smirking face of hers
"What Lu-Chan...I told you this yesterday I have only known him for about a week, well actually I have known him for over a year but everyone knows Gajeel Redfox and come on why would he like a girl like me, I'm way shorter than he-"
"So the fact that your not denying it and rambling about him not liking someone like you..i find a pretty good indication that you do like him"
"What? wait do I?" I said out loud

I mean he is nice...well in a way but all I really know about him is that he has a soft spot for cats, he has nicknames for everyone, he's in a gang, he has a motorcycle, he is somewhat good at science, he likes the colour black. So yeah I pretty much know the basics but I think I know more about him than anyone else in the school! People also think he's scary; sure he has a lot of piercings but it suits him, so does his long spiky black hair, I wonder if it actually feels spiky? And those red eyes of his, they're so serious and mesmerising I mean you can't help but to get drawn to them when he stares at yo-

"Crap!" I yelled in realisation
"Oo never heard you use that language before" Lucy smirked sarcastically

I think Lucy's right I do like Gajeel!

"Earthland to Levy" Lucy said waving a hand in my face
I looked at her still feeling red in the face
"Can't help but say I told you so" She cooed
She is starting to act like Mirajane. I whimpered in slight fear at the glint in Lucy's eyes
"Don't worry Levy-Chan" Lucy said sweetly patting my head "your secret is safe with me"

(Meanwhile with Tank and Nigel, yes that's right Gajeels 'friends')

Nigel's POV

"Where is that runt" I growled
That basterd Gajeel, he was meant to get some money from that idiot of a mother of his so we could buy a pack of Cigarettes and he isn't bloody here yet! How else am I meant to buy my dailey gru, get a job? Pfft, if that ever happened I would get out of that piece of ass
(I'm trying hard to make him sound well yeah rough without usuing to bad of words because...I honestly don't like swearing >.>)
Jobs are a waste of my time.
"He probably chickened out, the basterd is getting all goodie goodie lately, going to school because he want's to pass in that hell hole and I doubt he'll come in this rain" Tank replied puffing smoke out while talking
"Tch why would the runt want to pass anyway he has no future no one likes the little Git" I growled
"I think I can answer that question" A voice replied from behind the bushes
"Who the bloody hell are you" I replied annoyed
The figure came out from behind the bushes and he had a long coat on but I could just make out his face, his hair was wet from the rain but he had a fishtail for hair, if he didn't catch my attention I would have laughed my ass of right there and then, he looked bloody ridiculous
"You're Acquainted with Gajeel Redfox yes?" he asked
"Yeah what's it to you Fishtail" Tank growled
"Well Gajeel has been getting in my way see a close friend of mine has been getting buddy buddy with him and he's getting to close for his own good" He smirked
"So what are you saying chump?" I replied in interest
"Well if you deal with Gajeel in any way possible and convince this friend of mine that he is what the rumours in school say, i'll reward you greatly"
I sat back on the pole I was leaning on and thought for a bit
"How do you know that this friend of yours is keeping him back?" I asked
He sighed
"Little do they know, I have been watching them, they are science partners for two more weeks and because of these events they have been getting closer. They had a detention earlier today also and because of this they rode home together on that motorbike of his...he is ruining my chances" he explained
I smirked hey if I get money out of this I don't care if I hurt the runt or his friend
"So what does this friend of yours look like?" I asked
He slowly have us a picture and I saw a girl, with short blue hair, brown eyes in a school uniform
"So finding a way to split these two up...too easy" I smirked

(The next day...time skips...LOVE EM)

"Thanks for having me over Lu-Chan but i'd best be heading off now" I smile politely
"No problem Levy-chan, but remember just go for it" She teased
I blushed, she is never going to let this go is she? I quickly walked out the door and adjusted my bag; which had my uniform, school books and other essentials in it. And brushed off my orange dress, adjusting my my checkerd yellow headband. I sighed
"Well best be heading home" I said to myself
Problem is Lu-Chan's house is on the otherside of Magnolia, even though it's walking distance to school for the both of us, our houses are rather far apart.

I began to walk, reading a book in the process. It was a rather interesting Novel, it was about Mages and how they have this guild, the main characters were rather interesting but the side characters were just as interesting.
(NOO I did not make a Fairy Tail reference...okay i did)
After a few short minutes, I turned a street putting my book down to cross the road, Mother always bugged me about looking both ways, meaning I had to put my book down. As I was corssing I felt like I was getting followed so I looked slightly to my left and I saw two guys on motorbikes.
'Why would they be following you Levy? You don't even know them' I thought to myself
But as I walked down the street they were advancing forward but when I slowed down they would slow down soon. I was getting scared now, what do they want!
I went to grab my phone in the side pocket of my bag but it wasn't there, that's when I aruptly turned around and saw them grinning at me
I gasped and sped up my pace, walking past house after house but I soon begun speed walking, they must of noticed because they revved up their engines
(Two V's together look like a Double V not a Double
That's when I ran
"She's on the move" one of them yelled speeding up
there is no way I can out run two motorbikes! Think Levy think!
I ran into an open gate of a two story house, hoping the owner wouldn't mind taking in a girl who is getting chased! I knocked on the door frantically but not rudely, come on it's their property! Suddenly a Woman with Black long hair looked down on me and was honestly surpirsed but looked up seeing the motorbikes advancing in her driveway, I turned around and screamed, covering my mouth in the process
"Oh dear come inside quick!" she panicked
I nodded not wasting anytime, I ran inside and collapsed onto the ground near the door as she closed and locked the door. I was shaking, what's going on?! I felt some warm liquid going down my cheeks, wait i'm crying? That's when I felt a little breeze dawn on me, the woman crouched down, looking for any injuries
"Oh dear, are you hurt? do you know why those men were after you?" She asked sweetly but frantically
I looked up and got a good look at her, she indeed did have long black hair but she had such a beautiful face, she wore glasses and looked to be in her late 30s or early 40s, she looked tired though.
"No...n-no I don't, I was just walking h-home and I felt like I was being f-followed" I stuttered almost crying again
She grabbed one of my shoulders and rubbed it slightly in comfort
"What is your name dear?"
But before I could answer I heard footsteps coming from upstairs
"Mum, I heard banging and screams is everything okay?" A gruff voice asked in worry
I looked up and what I saw not only shocked me but as soon as he looked down at us, he stood there frozen.
"Sh-Shrimp" was all he could muster out
"G-Gajeel" I whimpered in shock


I know this one was short but I wasn't intending to make it to long

so how about that turn of events...Levy always bumping into gajeel at the wrong place at the right time

until next chapter, Solid Script! Exit!!

Misunderstandings: Book 1, to 'Mis' series (GaLe FanFic Fairy Tail)Where stories live. Discover now