You're in Transition

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I went unconscious again. But I finally woke up.

I was feeling...weird.


"Ah, you're awake. Well, I gotta tell you that the experiment went very great! You're finally in transition." Anna says.

"Transition? Of what?"

I had a headache and since I barely woke up, I needed time to process what was going on.

"Ah, I see. You're still having time to process. Well, I'm just gonna throw it at you and give you a warning. Do not panic or get up quickly once you find out."

"What do you...mean?"

"I have finally turned you into a hybrid. I killed you in the most painful way but you just don't remember. See those patches and bandages I still haven't removed? Yeah, those are your injuries from when I aggressively beaten you to death. I'm sure they're healed now that you're half vampire. Could you do me a favor and remove them?"


Suddenly, a light switch turned on inside my head and I instantly tense up.

I sit up from the chair quickly and got a huge headache after.

"Ahh!! W-Why!? It fucking hurts!"

"Yes, I know. But that's your fault for not following my warning." She says, and I grit my teeth.

Erza once told me how she uses her speed. You just gotta concentrate on the air around you and when it's the right time, you run.

"So, do you want tea? I made some if you like."

I run with full speed but chains that were tied around my wrists was attacked to a thick wall.

"Agh! What the hell?"

"I knew that at some point, you would do that. So I chained you up. See? I'm not stupid or anything." Anna says, smiling.

"Set me free!! My kids are probably worried sick right now!"

"Oh, relax. It's been 8 hours since we've been here."


If she said that I'm the strongest supernatural being that has ever existed, these chains won't be a bother to me!

With force, I pull the chain out from the wall and the wall crumbles down, all of Anna's work being damaged.

"No way!! All of my work!! How dare you destroy them!?" Anna shouted, angry.

She attacks me with her hands against my neck. We run outside and she tackles me to the ground.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you!! I'll make sure to rip your head off!!" Anna yelled.

She deepens her nails inside my neck as I try to get her off of me.

"Ahh! N-No! You won't rip my heart off!! Not when I have kids to look after!!"

I can tell that she really wants to kill me. Her rage look inside her eyes is pretty damn scary.


Her eyes were wide open with veins popping out of her forehead and cheeks.


I grab her head and snap her neck. I threw her off of me and kicked her side.

"Fucking bitch."

My wound in my neck heals and I cough.

"Ugh...I'm really feeling the hybrid transition happening." I said, walking away.

That was so much work. Yes, I must admit, Anna is pretty strong and she has experience.

But I can beat her now...right?


I came home with my teeth hurting me.

"Ahh! God, it hurts so much."

"Mommy!! You're back!" Luna says, running toward me and giving my legs a hug.

"Hi, Luna. I just went...somewhere. That's all." I said, covering my mouth.

"Are you okay? What's with the bandages and patches?" Luna asks, looking up at me with a cute worried expression.

"What? Oh, these! These are nothing! I'm okay, Luna. I swear." I said, ripping off the bandages and patches.

"Ooh! You're not hurt! I'm glad Mommy's okay!"

"Yeah. Anyways, you have school tomorrow with Max. Why aren't you asleep yet?"

"I can never be sleep in peace if you aren't home, Mommy. I'd rather be sleepy and wait for you." She says, yawning.

"Well, I'm home now, honey. Time to go to bed."

I pick Luna up and walk up the stairs with a headache starting up.

But, I had to pretend that it wasn't in pain.

Luna falls asleep, her head laying down on my chest.

She's asleep...this gives me an opportunity to run inside her room.

I focus and concentrated on the air around me. Soon, I run to her room and opened the door, where Max was already sleeping.

I smile and go inside. I lay Luna down on her bed, pulling up the covers.

"Goodnight, twinzies." I said, kissing Luna and Max's foreheads.

I leave the nightlight on and walk toward the door. I grab the doorknob and turn around, smiling at my kids.

I pray that they don't get hurt by anyone.

Especially me.

I can't tell them who I became now. I don't want them to fear me and view me as a monster.

But, they know that Levy, Mira, and Cana are witches. Well, not witches but Max and Luna see them as wizards.

Mages, to be exact.

My kids don't know about vampires and other supernatural beings out there. I want to keep their innocence within themselves and I want them to have a childhood without any danger.

I close the door and walk down the halls. Tears started to form in my eyes.

I just hope that they don't find out I'm a hybrid of a vampire and a siren.


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