Juvia's Sorry, Gray-sama

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Juvia walks down the streets, feeling broken and torn apart. This is absurd. Why would Invel doing this?

Why would he...threaten Juvia like this?

It isn't fair. Juvia thought that him and her were over. That we would never see each other again.

Unfortunately, Juvia thought wrong,

"Juvia...you can do this."

Juvia gasps and looks up. That voice belongs to Lucy!

How did Juvia hear her voice!?

"Lucy..." She mutters, wondering where it came from.

Juvia never heard Lucy's voice along the way home. It sounded as if she was right by Juvia's side, comforting her.

Ugh, Juvia really wishes that she was here right now. Maybe she'll give the best advice to Juvia.

"Juvia! Hey! C'mon, we've been waiting for you!"

Juvia looks up from the ground and sees Levy and Erza approaching her.

"Oh, hey girls." Juvia says, putting on a fake smile.

"Hey, are you okay? You look a bit down. And your clothes are all bloody!" Levy says, acknowledging Juvia's clothes.

"Juvia's fine. Just went to get a bite. Don't worry, it was an animal." Juvia says, smiling.

"You sure?" Erza asks, and she nodded.


Juvia walks past them and follow after her inside the house. Indoors, Gray was in there with a nice suit on.

"Oh, hello Gray-sama." Juvia says, embracing him.

"Hey, Juvia. Whoa! Are you alright? You're all bloody." Gray says, and Juvia sighs.

"Juvia is fine. She just went for animal blood." She says, smiling.

"Alright, uh...c'mon, I've prepared a dinner for us." Gray says, grabbing Juvia's hand.

She looks back to see Levy and Erza walking up the stairs, smiling at Juvia.

"Oh...thank you, Gray-sama. You're very thoughtful. B-But...can Juvia change out of these clothes?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry! Yeah, go ahead! I'll wait for you here."

Juvia smiles and runs off upstairs. She goes inside her room and chooses a blue dress.

She quickly puts it on and fixes her hair in the mirror. Juvia puts on lipstick and three sprays of her favorite perfume.

"Alright, Juvia. Prepare yourself for this battle with Gray-sama. Stay strong and do not cry." Juvia says to herself, getting rid of a tear.

"Juvia...you can do this."

Lucy! Dammit, where are you!? Why can Juvia hear your voice!?

Maybe it's because Juvia misses your presence.

She sighs and walks towards the door. C'mon, Juvia. You got this.

You got this...



Juvia comes down the stairs with a beautiful blue dress. I smile and stand up, fixing my tie.

"You look stunning." I complimented, and she chuckles.

"Thanks, Gray-sama. Juvia wonders what all of this is about?" Juvia asks, sitting down on the chair.

"Well, I just wanted to have dinner with you, Juvia. I wanted to make sure that you know that I appreciate you." I said, grabbing the champagne bottle.

"Aw, that's sweet! Thank you, Gray-sama!"

I open up the champagne bottle and grab Juvia's glass cup. I pour the liquid inside as the foam erupts.

I hand it to Juvia and she gladly accepts it. I grab my own and do the same.

"So, what would you like to discuss about?" I ask, setting down the champagne bottle.

"Hm, honestly, Juvia doesn't know. Let's see. How about we tell each other what we love most?"

"Sounds good. Ladies first." I said, clanking my cup against hers.

"Hmm...Juvia loves your hair." She says, and I laugh.

"Hahaha! Well, I love your blue eyes."

"Juvia loves your voice!"

"I love your smile."

"Juvia loves your personality."

"I love your figure."

"Juvia does too!"

We both kept discussing the things we really love about each other. Man, this doesn't get old.

I can go on and on about the amazing things I love about Juvia. But what I truly love the most is her friendliness and warm heart.

But, I had to ask her now. Not later. Now!

I cleared my throat and pulled out a small red box from my pocket. I get up from the chair and kneel down one knee.

I open the box and Juvia gasps.

"Juvia, will you do me the greatest honor in being my wife?" I ask, staring deeply into her ocean blue eyes that sparkled.

"Gray-sama...Juvia's sorry! But she cannot!"

Juvia stands up and my heart sinks. I stared at her in shock as she runs away from the house.

She said no. She's not going...to marry me.

I stand up, still in pure shock.

Small tears form in my eyes and I quickly wipe them away. Did I say something wrong?

What did I do? What did I do for her to make her say no?

Have I not given her much attention that she needed?

What the Hell did I do!?



Juvia...Juvia's sorry, Gray-sama! She cannot marry you!

You can't marry a girl who has a deal with someone to kill you. Juvia doesn't want to hurt you like that!

Juvia really does want to marry you! She wants to spend eternity with you!

But she cannot. Juvia will NOT hurt Gray-sama like this!

Juvia hopes that you can forgive me.

It was all for Lucy's sake.


Lucy or Gray? Perhaps Another will Interfere

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