You Got me Fucked Up

566 39 8

I hate this chapter so much. But the next one will be better. Promise.



It was freezing out here! I can barely see a thing from this wind and snow!

I spread my hands forward, my palms straightened. I focused on the freezing wind that touches my skin and closed my eyes, gritting my teeth.

This type of magic isn't on my level! It's on a higher ground. Shoot, I don't think I'm going to be able to stop the snowstorm!

"Nngh!! C'mon, Levy! You can do this!" I told myself, opening one eye.

I can see green waves of light pushing out of my hands, but it was flickering away.

Suddenly, I felt liquid come out from my nose and I grit my teeth. I'm having a nosebleed!

Nosebleeds means that I'm using too much power when I'm not regenerated yet! Dammit!

I started to get dizzy and lightheaded. The blood touches my lips and I suddenly felt an icicle stab near my chest.


"You can't stop the're weak and useless. Your magic is nothing compared to mine." A guy with glasses and white hair says.

I stared at him with wide eyes and I collapse to the ground, the icicle still attached to my chest.

But, I can sense that the icicle wasn't normal. I began to feel really cold and I look down at my chest. Ice was spreading around in my skin and I come to a realization that I'm turning into ice.


"Enjoy yourself being ice." He says, and my vision fades away.



Gray runs down the stairs and takes a look at Juvia, gasping.

"Juvia! What the Hell happened to her!?"

"I don't know! But she has severe injuries! Her wounds aren't healing at all! An enemy attacked her, saying that he was one of Juvia's old friends. I don't believe him one bit. That basic bastard." I cursed, looking out the window.

I couldn't see Levy anywhere. Maybe it's because of the density of the snow and wind combined together.

"'re going to be okay. I promise you! Just hang on!" Gray says, and I stare at them in pity.

I'm starting to think that Juvia won't make it.

"Natsu! What's wrong with Juvia!? What's happening out there!? This just came out of nowhere!" Jenny shouted, running down the stairs with the kids.

"It's an enemy! He uses ice magic. He attacked Juvia and made a huge snowstorm when I punched him in the face. Levy is trying to make it vanish." I said, and Jenny gasps.

"What!? Natsu, Levy isn't strong enough to make this type of powerful magic go away! Check up on her, now!" Jenny shouted, and I nodded.

I sprint towards the door and open it, going outside. I can smell blood and I grit my teeth, trying to hold back the cravings.

It was Levy's blood!

"Levy! Levy, where are you!?"

Suddenly, I quickly dodged something and turn my head. It was an icicle.

I look forward and saw that Invel guy again. He has Levy in his arms.

"Levy! What did you do to her!?" I shouted, angry.

"Oh, this small girl is just slowly turning into ice. Her blood will be turning into cold water pretty soon. So will Juvia."

"What? Are you saying that they'll both...turn into ice!?"

"That is correct."

He suddenly threw his arms in the air, throwing Levy.

I widen my eyes and quickly catch her in my arms.

"You're working for Zeref, aren't you?"


Suddenly, I felt a dark aura surrounding beside me and I turn my head to see Gray glaring daggers at Invel.

"You did that to Juvia?"

Invel only smirked, his glasses reflecting with the light.

"You got me all the way fucked up!!" Gray shouted, running in front of Invel and snapping his neck.

He falls to the ground but suddenly starts to laugh.

"Did you honestly think that you can defeat me with a neck snap? Try harder." Invel says, the snowstorm growing intensely.

"Natsu...get Levy out of here. I'll deal with him." Gray says, and I nodded.

"Be careful, alright?"

"Got it, brother."

Suddenly, Invel gasps and I turn around to see his expression shocked.

" have tremendous power. How could a figure like you...have this sort of power!?"

"What? What are you talking about?" I ask him, and he grits his teeth in fear.

"Y-You're E.N.D! I'm sure of it!! You're a monster...a demon!"

"I wouldn't consider myself a demon. Zeref has told me that I'm the King of Hell. I have never heard of E.N.D in my entire life!" I said, a bit concerned.

"E.N.D is a powerful demon...he cannot be unleashed! If he was to be out in this world, this world will be doomed. No one can stop E.N.D!!" Invel yelled, trembling.

He suddenly stops the snowstorm and looks at me with wide eyes.

"He's a dangerous gotta kill him before it's too late." Invel says to Gray, and he disappears after that.

"So...a monster, huh?"

"Gray, I'm no mons–"

"You got me hella fucked up, Natsu. We're brothers! We tell each other things! You got a lot of explaining to do, Natsu Dragneel!"

Oh boy...


I Saw Lucy

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