Good Ending

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The war is over. Zeref retreated with his army, but the battle isn't over just yet. They will return someday.

Lucy managed to survive. Lisanna did not attack her and strike her in the heart with poison. 

But, Erza still died due to severe injuries Lisanna had given her.

Juvia also survived. Seilah did NOT order her to do anything and Mira managed to kill her in time with her Satan Soul form.

Here's what happened after the war:


"Mom, are you Dad's wife or have you guys not married yet?" Luna asks, and I gasped.

"Oh, well. Uh, I don't know. He hasn't proposed to me, Luna. And I hope one day he does." I said, playing with her hair.

"Oh. Well, I guess that's kind of good because I really want to see how marriage is like in person. Even better that it's my parents!" Luna says, smiling.

"Aw, that's really kind, Luna. But I guess we both have to wait until that time comes." I said, smiling.

"Lucy, something came for you in the mail today." Mira says, coming in the living room.

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah, it's a letter from Aquarius and Romeo." She says, and I gasped.

"Oh, they have written letters for me! That's great! I really miss them."

She hands me the letter and I quickly open it up. I take out the paper and unfolded it.

Dear Lucy,

I'm really happy that you're okay. I'm so sorry that I was not there for you during the battle. I just had to think of Romeo, you know? He's your little brother and a human, to be honest. I had to take him somewhere safe; far away from Magnolia, to be exact. I hope you're living an awesome life with your friends and family. Tell the twins that I say hello. And again, I'm really sorry. Take care, Lucy. I love you.


Dear Lucy,

It wasn't easy leaving you behind to go somewhere else without you. I was so worried about you. I'm just so glad that you're okay! Please, take care of the twins and the rest of your friends like you did for me. I know I wasn't there a lot for you...I should've. Mom and Dad might be disappointed in me but...I know that you can take care of yourself. I love you, big sis. You're an amazing and empowering woman. I hope to see you one day in the future. Write back to us, okay? Let's keep in touch. Again, I love you so much. Take care.


A smile implants to my lips and I put the letter towards my heart. Don't worry, Aquarius and Romeo, I got everything under control now.

Please, both of you, take care of each other. And I'll visit you guys from time to time.

"Was that from Uncle Romeo and Aquarius, Mom?" Luna asks, and I nodded.

"Mhm. I'm sure they're doing okay now." I said, sighing.

"Can I write to them too?"

"Of course, Luna. You're free to do so. But...write kind things. Not mean stuff, okay?" I said, chuckling.

"Haha, yeah. They're part of my family too, Mom. I love them."

She stands up from the couch, sprinting up the stairs.

"Hey, Mira?"

"Yeah, Lucy?"

"Thank you. I am really grateful into having you in my life. You're such an amazing person, you know?" I said, staring at her.

"Aw, that's so sweet, Lucy. I'm grateful as well. You've made such an impact in my life. For that, I am forever thankful." She says, smiling.

Suddenly, Natsu comes inside the house through the front door.

"Hey, girls. What are you guys talking about?" He asks, joining the conversation.

He gives me kiss in the lips before sitting down next to me.

"Oh, we're just talking about how grateful we are to have each other." Mira replies.

"Wow, that's good. It's always nice for someone to tell you those things. Anyways, Lucy? Can you hand me that box that's on the table?"


I grab the box and give it to Natsu. But he doesn't quite accept it.

"Natsu, you told me to get it."

"Yeah, but I want you to open it."

"Uh, okay."

It was a rectangular box. I open the lid and another small box was inside. I stared at Natsu as if he was crazy and he signals me to continue.

After lid after lid, there was finally a smaller box. I take it out and inside, was a small black box.

I gasped, glancing from the box to Natsu.

"Open it." He says, smiling.

From my right side, I can hear Mira squeaking and fangirling.

She's been a fan of our relationship.

I gently open the black box and inside was an engagement ring. I gasped slightly, staring at it in awe.


Natsu grabs the box and sits down in one knee on the floor.

"'re the only person I want to spend the rest of my life with. You're beautiful, smart, amazing, and powerful. I want to be at your side until the day I die. So, Lucy Heartfilia, will you marry me?"

Tears of joy fall down my eyes and I nod, humming a yes.

"Mhm!! Of course I would marry you!! Yes!"

I go down to his level and kiss him, hearing Mira squealing, screaming and jumping from behind us.


I chuckled, and we both stopped kissing. He puts on the ring in my finger and I smiled, giving him one last kiss.

"What's with all of the commotion!?"

"Natsu had asked Lucy to marry him!! She said yes!!"

I turn around and saw Juvia, Levy, and Mira all jumping up and down and squealing together.

"Aaahhh!! Oh my God!! Finally!!"

I laughed and stood up. The girls walk towards me and I extend my hand as they stare at the ring.

"It's so beautiful!"

"Real diamonds!"

"I'm gonna cry."

I giggled at their comments. Mira has been waiting for this marriage proposal for so long!

They stared at me in silence and I chuckled.

"I'm getting married!!" I squealed, and they join in with me.


This memory...I will cherish it for so long! Until our marriage has come and we both say those two words 'I do', we're finally husband and wife.

What a happy ending, right?


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