Finally, Some Peace

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We made it back to Lucy's coffin. Mira went with us to open it. As we enter, Luna grabs my hand as we stare at Lucy's coffin, closed and secured shut.

"Okay, are you guys sure you want to do this? The many times you see her in her dreams, the sleeping years extend. Natsu?" Mira says.

I look at Luna and she was hesitant. I kneel down and look right into her brown eyes.

"Luna, do you want to see her?"

"Yeah but...don't you? I don't wanna interfere from you seeing her."

"You're her daughter, Luna. I bet Mommy really misses seeing her kids more than the others. So, do you want to see her again in her dreams? Only one of us can or else the years extend." I explained, and she gives me a sad look.

"You do it, Dad. I promise I'll be alright. You can tell me all about it once you're done." She says, smiling.

"Are you sure?"

"Mhm. Yes. I am positive! Now go, Dad! Mommy might be waiting for you." Luna says, and I smile.

I stand up again and give a nod to Mira. She gives me a smile and places both of her hands on the coffin.

She closes her eyes and for one second, the coffin unlocks. Mira removes her hands and opens the coffin, revealing Lucy sleeping peacefully.

I smile. I forgot just how beautiful she is.

"Natsu, please. Use your time wisely with her. There's a time limit. Okay?"

"Yeah, okay. Thank you."

I gently grab onto Lucy's soft hand and glance at Luna's eyes for the last time. She nodded and smiles.

I sigh and close my eyes. I feel guilty, you know? A father should let his daughter see their mother first but look what I'm doing.

Am I even fit in being a good father?

Suddenly, my vision flashes white and I entered in pure golden grasslands. I look around, shocked to see how beautiful the place was.



I gasped, feeling tears rising up to my eyes. I turn around, mouth agape.


We look at each other, 7 feet away from each other. We both smile and she begins to run towards me.

I catch her and spin her around once, laughing and smiling to have finally seen one another.

"Natsu!! Oh, I missed you so much! It's so good to see you again!" She says, sobbing and crying.

I breathe in, tears of joy falling from my eyes. I hold her in tightly, appreciating every moment I have with her right now.

"I was...gonna have Luna come here but she wanted me to go ahead and see you. I feel like a horrible father." I said, chuckling.

I bring her down to her bare feet and let go of the embrace. She stares at me into my eyes, her brown orbs sparkling.

"You're not a horrible father, Natsu. A horrible father would have abandoned their kids and not show them love and support. On the other hand, you do the opposite. I know deep inside my heart, that you take a really good care of them. Thank you." She says, the wind blowing our hair softly.

"I love you...I would do anything for you when you're gone." I said, giving her a kiss in the forehead.

"I love you, too. So, how are the twins?"

"Luna is doing fine. She misses you so much. Max, he's doing alright. He hasn't been really active lately because of you. Don't worry, I'll make sure to keep him company." I said, smiling.

"Oh. Tell them both that I love them so much and that I can't wait to see them." Lucy says, caressing my cheeks.

"Mhm, okay."

"Aww, why are you crying? Natsu, please, you're gonna make me cry." Lucy says, chuckling.

"Sorry. I'm just so happy to finally see you again. To feel your presence around me. I miss that. Y'know, every morning, I wake up and think to myself. If Lucy were to be here, she'd probably kick me out of her bed." I said, chuckling as small tears escape my eyes.

"Hahaha. I probably wouldn't kick you off anymore since we already have a family."

"Yeah...and once you're awake, I promise to surprise you." I said, and she grins.

"Really? What kind of surprise?"

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise anymore. So you're just gonna have to wait." I replied, and she pouts.

"Awe! Bummer! That's gonna be a long time!"

"Don't worry, our friends and I will find something to wake you up from your slumber."


"I promise, Sunshine."



I get up from bed, feeling energized. I'm a bit sore but that'll heal soon. Ever since the blast that Zeref made when he took the twins, I received a scar on my forehead.

I look at it in the mirror, touching it.

"A permanent scar." I muttered to myself.

I sighed, trying to forget about it. I walk towards my drawer and chose out a summer dress. It's pretty sunny outside so might as well wear something that alleviates heat.

The dress was a lightish blue with a huge bow wrapped around the waist.

I put it on and hold my hair into two low pigtails. As I tie the bow strap around the rubber band, my name was suddenly whispered.


I turn around, looking for someone. No one seems to be here. Who the heck called out my name?

"Strange." I said, continuing to tie the bow.


This time, I turn around quick. I gasped, looking at the person who was in front of me.

"No way..."

"Mavis, it's so good to see you."


What is she doing here? Isn't she...dead?


The Devil's Daughter

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