A Fight Show

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Here's the chapter! Finally! I had writer's block for this chapter so sorry if it's shitty. :<


Somehow, Eileen wasn't even targeting at Juvia. She was attacking me!

Eileen dodges Juvia's attack while Eileen concentrates on her magic on me.

But I dodge them. At times, I would get injured.

"Die, you stupid girl!! Be my feast for today!" Eileen shouted, getting annoyed that I keep on dodging her attacks.

"Ugh! Juvia won't let you hurt Lucy!" Juvia yelled, swinging a strong and fast punch toward Eileen's stomach.


She didn't dodge it! Juvia actually made a swing!

"Alright, now you're annoying."

Eileen's extends her hand at Juvia and at her palm, a light appeared.

"JUVIA!!! Watch out!!"

An explosion erupted and I cover my face and close my eyes.


I open my eyes again and the dust begins to disappear. Juvia falls to the ground, her eyes closed with blood coming out of her mouth.


I run up to her and kneel down, her face all bruised and damaged.

"Juvia...no. Please, wake up." I said, sobbing as tears fall down my cheeks.

I go down to her chest and tried to hear her heartbeat. Luckily, I heard her heart pumping just fine.

I sigh in relief and glared at Eileen, who was laughing.

"Bahahahaha!! Oh, you two are so gonna go up my ceiling!!" Eileen yelled, smirking.

"You're despicable!! How dare you hurt Juvia like this!?" I shouted, my blood boiling inside me.

"Pfff, it's her fault anyways! She swung her fist at me." Eileen said, smiling.

I grit my teeth and look up to see Gray and Erza still hanging on the ceiling. How am I going to get them out?

I'm still new to being a vampire and a siren.


Suddenly, something else came into my mind and I smirk.

I stand up and with speed, I summoned a water barrier around Eileen.

"W-What is this!? What did you do, you stupid girl!!?"

"Good luck in being able to attack me!"

I sprint to Erza and Gray and with my water magic that Aquarius taught me, made a ladder.

"Hey!! Get me out of this water cage now!!" Eileen shouted, but I paid no mind to her.

Suddenly, my injury in my stomach and my shoulder starts to bleed again and I wince.

Why isn't it healing? I'm a vampire for crying out loud!

"Erza...don't worry, I'll get you out of there." I said, trying to concentrate on climbing up.

But due to the blood continuing to flow down from my injuries, I felt sort of dizzy.

"N-No...now is not the time, Lucy. You have to...save Gray...Juvia...and Erza!" I muttered to myself, finally reaching to Erza.

I smile and stretch out my hand to remove the stakes from Erza's palm.

"Ugh, I can't believe she did this to you guys." I said, but I suddenly saw that my hand was fading.

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