I'm not that weird right

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I distracted myself from them by admiring the table, all I was thinking *god he's hot, and why do I want cookies* "yes avoid the people that are coming to sit with us" an extremely annoying sam said while I glared at her.

"THEODORE NATHANIEL SMITH" Ameera yelled "you piece of shit" she continued. I stood up to greet a very mad Ameera and Cara, without looking at the two strangers behind my friends.

"hey Ameera how have you been?" i said smiling "well, of course, you wouldn't know how I've been, it has been a month since you've talked with any of us" Ameera said with her annoying ass voice, *I love Ameera but sometimes she can be a real mum*. "calm down, we all know that he's a Lil bitch" Cara said with a smile while putting her arm around Ameera's waist. I gave them both hugs  *I missed them so much they would be happier if you didn't come to school*

"I'm sorry" I said as guilt was starting to show on my face, Ameera's face softened as she said "just don't do it again, i was really worried" and she playfully punched my shoulder and i acted like i was in so much pain.

I wanted to introduce myself to the guy and the girl next to him, but apparently I'm a "very weird" person, fuck it I'm just ganna be myself. he's really hot and he has good taste In music, he's  probably straight, and that girl is probably his girlfriend, plus how would want to date such an ugly person.

I put on my best smile and said "hey there" and i did a little wave with my hand "hi, I'm chris and thats lucifer" i was getting really nervous for some reason "I'm theo" i replied  in a high pitched alien voice. *crap bet he thinks I'm a creep*

"Whats with the name lucifer?" ameera said as we all sat down
"oh, my name is luci with an i , so my brother, dear chris, thought it would be funny to call me lucifer when we were like eight and since then thats all he's been calling me"

"And she does look like our lord and savour satan" chris added. Even his voice is attractive "so my chemical romance" i said looking at chris, "dude my chem is life" luci said "plus Gerard way is fucking sexy" Chris said  it was like we practiced it of something but we all said "same" we ended up laughing our arses off.

Turns out chris and i have many classes together: art/photography , design and technology, math, and biology.

So far i could tell that everyone loves chris and luci, well i do at least now i know that they're not a couple i might have a chance, but not for long as i could see a group of girls checking out chris. At this piont i could feel my face get redder by the second until sam whispered "you wanna fuck him don't you" "what no, plus even if i wanted to you know i don't like the one night stand thing-" "yeah, yeah relationships and shit like that but your fucking red as gerard way's hair" *fuck you sam, fuck you*

Our break was over. so chris, sam and i were all heading to design and technology when i saw tommy i decided to take the other route to the class, pulling chris by his arm with sam following while secretly flipping off lorenso.
*i take it back, i love you sam, but your still bitter as fuck*

Everytime i look at chris i find him even hotter than before, how da fook is that possible, we walk into class and sit in a table in the far left of the room. As i was taking out my shit, sam nudged me and said "code C" with a look of pure disgust *nope thats just sam's usual face* but after seeing what she was pointing at i realized its was more than just disgust.

"aw shit not now" i said completely annoyed "what, what's wrong?" Chris said "thats what's wrong" i said pointing at claire the most annoyi- "hi sam, hi theo, how are you guys" she said in the most annoying ass voice ever.
"We're good" sam said "not anymore" i mumbled, claire went and got a chair and sat with us. "Who said you could sit with us, there's like fucken eight other tables go sit there" sam said with a blank face.

"You're funny" claire said while sitting down with us. "Who is he?" She said while pointing at chris "well i here's a crazy idea why don't you ask him" i said while face palming. "Who are you?" Claire asked "uh, I'm chris, I'm new this year" "cool,......hey do you have a girlfriend" claire stupidity asks, but before i could hulk out on her sam beat me to it "thats it, go fucking sit down on the other table before i literally kill you".

Claire sat far away from us. "Um, sorry about her she's very clingy, i mean cling wrap would be jealous" i said smiling, trying to hide my red ass face, while sam laughs at my joke, then Mr. Eric came in.

*time skip to art/phoography class*

I went and sat at my usual spot from last year waiting for Ms.natalia, chris and i got separated at some point so now I'm just waiting for him to show up. *maybe i should invite him over and try and get to know more about him like he'd ever take the time to get to know a worthless person  like you*

Chris walked in and waved at me and came and sat by my side "so pencil or lens?" Chris asks "pencil, i suck at taking pictures" i said laughing at myself "you can practice on me if you want" chris said grinning "i could already feel my face getting warm
"r-really?" "Yeah really".

When the photography side and the art side were both given their tasks and their due date i quickly got my pencil and art book out and let the pencil flow, i don'treally like to control what i draw i just put my pencil on the paper and see what happens.

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