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I walked to the cabinet filled with alcohol, as I opened it my phone began ringing giving out the sound of Xiumin singing "marshmallow". I answered the call only to hear "AnnYoNghAsaYo" yelled exaggeratedly by Theo. I smiled slightly happy that he called just in time. "Hey what's up?" "Nothing I'm just giving a heads up cause I'm spamming you with crack" he says way too excited. "Hehe okay what group?" "EVERYONE" he screeched.

I giggled to myself after I hung up. "Damn I should really call that dummy" I say to myself.

*Theo's point of view*

I was happily watching crack and spamming until I heard a knock on my door, I paused the video and yelled "come in!" My brother walked in, a little awkward, "uh hey". "Hi" I say dryly. "So Theo, I just wanted to talk to you about something" he said calmly, fucken hell that's never good sign. "Make it quick I have a bunch of homework to do" I state with an even dryer tone. "It's about you and Chris" he confessed bluntly, yeah this won't be good, "maybe you were wrong" he said. "Wrong about what?" I snapped.

"Maybe your just confused. You're just saying you're gay as an excuse to cope with losing mum and dad." "Why do you have to be like this, Uncle Jack and Aunt Signe are fine with it, why can't you just nod your head and fuck off" I angrily grit my teeth. "Because it's not right" he answered raising his voice.

"I'm not doing anything wrong, you dick" I yell. "What about church, that's if you still believe in anything" he stated. "Why can't I love a guy and still believe in a god" I ask angrily. "BECAUSE GOD DOESN'T LIKE PEOPLE LIKE YOU" he yelled making me flinch. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO MAKE THAT CLAIM, YOU HAVENT EVEN BEEN MY BROTHER FOR YEARS", in a blink of an eye he grabbed me by my collar and yelled "LISTEN YOU LITTLE FUCK, JACK AND SIGNE MIGHT BE SUPPORTIVE OF THIS, BUT MARY AND I ARENT AND WILL NEVER BE, GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER AND STOP BEING A DISAPPOINTMENT"

He let go of me and continued "good thing mum and dad aren't hare to see how much of a disgrace their son is" with that he stormed out of my room. Tears threatened to fall as I grabbed my jacket and left my house, I didn't have any place in mind I just kept walking.

*Chris point of view*

I was sitting at my desk doing my homework when I hear distant mumbling, I look outside and see Theo walking angrily while mumbling swears as he passed by my house, do I call him or follow him, I contemplate for a second but by then I was already headed for the door.

I walk quietly behind the unnoticed, I couldn't help but smile at the way he was walking. "The fucking prick, who is he to say that, if I wanna fuck a guy I'm allowed to fuck a guy, it's my body" he said with frustration. I couldn't help but get a hint of jealousy, why is he talking about fucking guys, I'm the only one that's allowed to do that.

I was about to make myself known but then he continued "I should've called Chris, because I might kill that dumb fuck, but the whole problem started because of the way I feel about him, plus I can't even think when he's around, wait fuck that's exactly what I need to NOT FUCKING THINK" he then stops and looks at the sky. "Why did you have to make such a fucking hot guy" he cries out, I couldn't help but smile some more. "Why do I have to love him so fucking much, ugh that tall boy actually makes me hate life less".

He saw a can and went to kick it but missed terribly, I couldn't hold it in I just burst out laughing. "OH MY FUCKING GOD" Theo screeches in fear as I kept laughing. "How fucking long have you been there" he asked clearly annoyed. "Um not long", "what did you hear?" he asked with narrow eyes, I grabbed his hand and continued walking "I fucking love you too" Theo's face went red. "Don't let whatever you heard feed your ego" he added.

"Why you angry?" "I'm not" he snapped, "liar" I continue as I flick his head. "Ouch" he said emotionless, I then looked at him with pouty lips, pulling the cutest face I could. "Ugh fine, I'll tell you... you fucking cringe machine" he said giving in.

"It's just my brother being a dick again, he said so much shit I think the toilet was jealous, he almost hit me again which was nice to see". "He tried to hit you" I restate feeling my anger develop.

"I know it's a bad time but do you want to go out?" I ask. "You do know that we're already dating right?" he replies sarcastically, "that's what I mean, I've fucked you twice, but still haven't taken you on a date" I explained. "Understood" "good cause tomorrow I'm taking you out"

*Theo's point of view*

"Are you feeling any better?" Chris asks, "kinda, maybe... not really" I reply sighing. "How can I help?". I didn't know how to answer, I mean I could've said twenty different things, "just don't leave me alone" I request slightly cringing at myself. "You wanna come over, I can help you actually do your homework" he says excitedly.

"You know what never mind I feel much better" I say laughing ironically, "come on lets go get your stuff" Chris orders pulling me back to the direction of my house. Chris went to his house and I went to mine just because my dick brother isn't there anymore, I ran upstairs and put on my dinosaur onesie, I got my school shit and a change of clothes for tomorrow, I texted uncle jack telling him where I'll be, and I left running Naruto style to Chris's house.

Damn I'm angry, I really need something to let out all of my anger, oh well I guess sex is good enough. I rang the doorbell, Chris opened the door and looked at me "turn around" so I did. "Fucking hell you even have a tail", "yes rawr xd" I say with hatred for myself. "Cringe child" he laughed pulling me up to his room. "Luci caught a glimpse of me and screeched "OH MY GOD YOU CRINGY ASS CHILD" I looked her dead in the eyes and stared dramatically before saying "rawr xd" again hating myself "ugh" she screeched.

I jumped on Chris's bed flat on my face, I sat there for a minute until Chris says "do you wanna study or should I just bring my mums porcelain dolls?" I jumped off and ran to his desk and sat where my book was placed. "What are you waiting for" I say smiling.

Damn I never thought homework could be this fun, Chris was explaining everything so perfectly, I mean I couldn't help but let my dirty mind wonder. I was doing my work, but fuck he was so hot, the way the veins in his hands showed while he wrote.

Attempting to get his attention I say "hey Chris can you help me with this one I don't get it?" "Yeah sure". He turned to me and started explaining what I did wrong, but I was just focusing on him, "are you even listening to me?" "No" I replied honestly. "Come on you have two more chapters to catch up on" he stated going back to his work. "Why can't I just copy the answers from the back of the book?" I whined. "Because you don't learn anything that way" he explained.


(AN) so sorry for not updateing, i got really side tracked with finals and then procrastination.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2017 ⏰

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