001 (edited)

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Mondays. I had to say no more - Mondays were the worst. Everyone was at their grumpiest or refused to wake up, getting their asses in trouble for being late. I hated every second.

"Hoseokah? Honey are you up yet?" My mother called, she was currently making herself lunch for her day at work

"Yes mom" I replied - a groan in my voice, sitting up in my bed, hair in every direction, eyes lazily open, rubbing my left one.

I slowly sat on the edge of my bed, stretching as I did so. Yawning, I got up and walked to the freshly clean pile of clothes I had prepared the night before. I placed each item on slowly - as if I had all the time in the world. But I didn't.

"Hoseokah!" My mother called again, clearly getting impatient

I walked to my bathroom, turning on the cold tap and splashing the water on my face, not bothering about the drops that landed on the edge.
It woke me up more.

I walked down the stairs and met my mother in the kitchen, she was packing little plastic bags of food Into a small container.

"Here honey" she smiled at me, passing me a bag with my school lunch inside.

"thanks mom" I said with a smile. I packed the bag into my school one and realised I had time to spare, deciding to call my friend Taehyung, I sat down on a stool, my elbows leaning on the

*ring ring*

"Hey hobi" he called through the phone

                                                                                                                              "Hey tae"

"How are you on this fine, lovely weathery day?"

"Tae, first of all, its winter and its frosted, secondly 'weathery' isn't a word"

                                                                                                               "Well it's a word now"

"Tae why are you a thing?"

"I've wanted to know that for years"

                                                                                         "Yeah me too.. anyway, I was wondering if you want to walk to school together so we don't look like a bunch of losers walking alone"

"You know, I thought you were actually going to say 'would you like to walk together because we are friends and shit' but you know, I'm used to this abuse"


"Such a sweetheart... can you pick up my sarcasm?"

"Sadly yes, anyway, how about the park?"

"Sounds good to me"        

                                                                                                   "Right I'll see you there, don't choke on jungkook"

"As if! I'd rather have food as that's my second favourite thing to have in my mouth" *taes mother looks at him*

"Tae I swear you're not okey"

"Nope I'm not"

"Okey bye you idiot"

"G'bye boiiii"

*hangs up*

That kid is so extra I swear.

I walked up towards the door, kissing my mothers cheek before leaving, waving her goodbye.
I had just put on a random outfit - being: a grey baggy sweater topped with a black scarf, black ripped jeans and red converse.
I closed the (god damn) door behind me and walked off, ready to meet the brunette alien.
I walked along the sidewalk, watching as my breath whisped away into the cold air - it was pretty.

I was pulled out of my daydreaming when I finally reached the park. The gate was rusted, the paint coming off it.

I slowly opened it, walking through the arch of trees and into the child's section where I sat down into a bench made of metal - it made my ass cold.

"HOBI!" I heard a familiar voice call. Tae was running up to me, hair, clothes and backpack swaying side to side with each stride.

"There you are you goof! Do you not know own how long I was waiting!?"

I checked my watch to see that I was 10 minutes late.

"Oh sorry I didn't realise what time it was, I'm sorry taetae"

"well you're here now, lets go!"

We left the park, continuing to walk towards the gates of hell - school.
We were ten minuets away, and my feet ached.

"Taetae.....carry me?" I whined

"No Hoseok" he groaned

Soon, I froze. I didn't understand why I did it. Well, i did. On the other side of the street, there was a boy. But something about this boy, intoxicated me. I don't believe in love at first sight, but damn - he was gorgeous.

He was fairly short and had the nicest fashion sense. He was wearing a black beanie that rested on his faded mint hair. His black jumper sitting perfectly on his frame. He wore light blue jeans that covered his entire leg from hip to ankle, and it ended with white sneakers.

 He wore light blue jeans that covered his entire leg from hip to ankle, and it ended with white sneakers

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His porcelain skin looked gorgeous - he was stunning. Taehyung finally stopped talking to himself, turning back, he looked at me with a dumbfounded expression.

"Don't know know staring is rude?"

As he spoke, I jumped.

"I'm not staring" I lied, failing at thinking of a way to get out of this

"Hoseok you're practically eyeing him up" he looked at me

I went a light shade of red and tried to change the subject but tae wouldn't let it slide.

"You do know who he is right?..."

Ew this cringe ass story is finally being edited! Yayy. Anyway, I hope this is better, if not then I've failed as a person. But yeah, Umm so did yall like Stranger Things season 2?

Thanks for reading

~your local wheezie🌙

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