002 (edited)

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"You do know who he is right?..." Taehyung asked

I shook my head
"Should I know?"

"He's min yoongi!"

I still had no clue. I looked at him, raisin an eyebrow.

"He bullies everyone! He seems to shut people out, they say he's horrid to his mother, he apparently makes her cry! Look he's so mean he has an ora, stay away from him!"

To me, everyone has happiness in them, even if they were the saddest person on the planet, there must have been some way to make them smile right?

I know it was a stupid thought to have. I don't even know the guy. It looked like I was some sort of crazy stalker or fan girl.
Hah, that reminded me of a webcomic I read - It was about a boy that broke into his crushes house who was also a boy, and the boy who lived in the house, beat him with a baseball bat, and let him stay in his house and kinda fell in love.



"What else is there to know about him?"

I mentally facepalmed at my stupidity, he's gonna see through this

Tae at this point looked suspicious of my question


I was panicking I had to make an excuse quick, but my mind wouldn't settle.

"Umm well I..need more info on him so I can stay away from him and not get into fights with him!"

Luckily he bought it because he wasn't that focused

"Well... he goes to our school and I don't know what goes on with him at home but he bullies people" he looked me In the eye "like a lot"

"Has he hurt you?"

Taehyung looked down awkwardly

"Once..maybe three times"

I felt bad for tae at this point. Luckily he broke the silence

"Umm hoseok..? We should get going... he's staring at you"

I turned to 'min yoongi' our eyes locked. It looks could kill, I would be dead within seconds, his eyes burned into my soul.

Tae grabbed my arm and tugged me away from this staring contest that we had created.

"I told you! I told you not to look at him, now he's gonna get you!" Taehyung hissed

"Why didn't you look away you idiot!?"

I stayed silent and put up my middle finger at him

"Did you just? I will get seokjin hyung on you! And mm gurl you do not want that!" Tae said jokingly clicking his fingers sassily

"Oh I'm so scared!"I said sarcastically, but then again seokjin hyung did give me a lecture on how to cut carrots properly and that went on long enough.

After the awkward run in, we got to school. We walked through the massive gates and entered Hell.
I could see my friend shivering, I took the warm material from around my neck and put it on his.

"You need it more than I do" i smiled

"Thanks Hoseok" said taehyung, a little muffled as he buried his head in the scarf.

Sooner or later people started coming in, it was full before you knew it. The bell rang a few minutes later. We walked into our first class, the teacher smiled as we did.

"Sit down for roll call" she said

We all sat down as she started calling the names of the class. One caught my eye..

"Min Yoongi"

Apparently he was always late, he had been moved to a different class because he caused too much hassle.

"Mr min your late"

"Thanks for noticing" he said with a fake smile, putting his hands up to his chest and making a small, unenthusiastic wave.

"Take a seat behind Hoseok, Hoseok darling, wave so Yoongi knows who you are" she called

I slowly raised my hand awkwardly, looking down at the desk.

I could hear him slouch on the chair sighing. He seemed so calm before and now his mood has changed completely.


It was half way into the lesson until I could hear snoring from behind me, I rolled my eyes and checked what it was. Yoongi was sleeping.

Tae looked at me again

"Dude, youre looking at him again? Really?"

"I was checking what that noise was" I said honestly

"Sure you were" he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows up at down in a perverted manor

"Oh thanks tae" I said sarcastically

"Even if you did end up like that, you wouldn't be a bottom! " Tae assured me

"Kim taehyung do not get any ideas" Hoseok warned

"Oh I have a few" tae smirked

When the bell rang, I packed my things and left tae who went to see his boyfriend, jeon jungkook.

I watched him leave and started to walk off.
I felt a tug on my sweater, I couldn't look as I was already being dragged to the boys bathrooms, my feet struggling to keep me up.

I opened my eyes to see my sweater gripped in someone's hands.
I was being held up a wall by a mint haired boy, who seemed to have an angry expression

"Why the hell were you eyeing me" He hissed

I could feel the awkwardness over take me, I didn't know what to say. I opened my mouth and didn't realise what I said

"What's it to you cabbage?" I spat, regretting it soon after

"What the hell did you just call me?"

He pinned me harder against the wall, my back was starting to ache.

"You heard me cabbage"

He looked as if he was going to kill me, I regretted everything I did or said, but I couldn't stop.

I looked over his head, making fun of him being short.

"Huh? Where'd the cabbage go?" I loomed over him, sarcastically looking left to right

Next thing I knew, I was on the floor holding my stomach. The pain making my eyes water, I hissed at it. Yoongi looked down at me.
He didn't see my leg creeping up to him, and I kicked him behind the ankle, sending him flying backwards

I took my chance and rushed to him, straddling his waist, each knee resting on his hips.
So he couldn't punch me, I gripped both his hands and pinned them above his head.

I could feel him squirming underneath me, but I was stronger than him.

I was about to speak to him when the door opened, revealing a boy who was dressed smartly and had his hair parted and gelled - talk about a snob

"Are you to seriously doing that in here?!" The boy yelled, he took a photo and placed his phone back in his pocket.

"I'm going to tell the principal, now I have proof!" He said before rushing out.

"Fuck.." I whispered

Yo it's editedddd. I'm so lazy I swear. But hey I hope it's better, the original sucked ass.
But yo!

~your local wheezie🌙

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