012 (edited)

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Hoseok told yoongi what he needed to do and how he needed to do it. The newly  blonde agreed to do this but on one condition, he left jimin alone. Hoseok didnt like the idea, but didnt want to get caught in the process, if he did he would be a laughing stock.

It was almost 2pm and jimin was ready. He put on the clothes he chose from yesterday, and looked ay hoseok with his eye smile.

"You ready?" He said with joy

Hoseok nodded his head in response as they set off. Jimin go his mother to drive as he couldn't, he had said him and hoseok where going to get food and watch a movie at the cinema. So on they drove.


Im still kinda confused anout the whole jimin an hoseok thing. Knowing hobi, he wouldn't do something like that. At least i know what to do to prevent us getting caught though, but man hoseok drones on. I asked him to send me a message on what to do, not a freaking essay.

I talked with my mother about hoseok, I told her how we had to fake date to get this crap off my back. She kinda laughed at me when I said that last part.  I smiled at her. She was my best friend, even though she had been ill for a year with constant treatment, she always knewes what to say and do to cheer me up. I love her, I really do.

"Yoongi.." my mother called

"Yeah?" I replied in a sweet tone

"Do you love this hoseok?"

I paused instantly, I could feel my face heat up with this question. Did I love hoseok? Come though think about it.. he did change me. Made me better, not much but it was something. Could I really love him?

"I don't know mom...." I replied with hesitation lingering in my voice

"Think about it... what does your heart tell you?" She said with the kindest smile she could ever give.

"Now leave peasant! get out shoo!" She joked with a sweet laugh

I giggled back at her as I pulled her into a hug.

"See you later mom" I said

"Bye honey, tell them how awesome your mom is!" She called from the other side of the room.

"Hehe I will" I said leaving the house and closing the big door behind me.

Me: on my way

                                                                                           Hobi: Okey make sure you                                                                                                                   remember the plan

Me: I will :)

I thought about what my mother said with the listen to your heart stuff. She was right, but I didn't know what my heart was telling me. I would have to see by the end of today. Yes, just talk to myself. I'm a good listener.


I was in the car with hoseok. My mother was driving. I would glance at hoseok once every few minutes, he just kept looking out the window of the back seat. I was exited to see if yoongi was going to cheat on hoseok.

Eventually we arrived to where we needed to be. My mother left us with a smile as we walked up to where we were going to meet yoongi. Hoseok went into a corner of a street to watch what was going to happen.

Soon enough yoongi turned up. This was it. He was waiting in the ally hoseok told him they where going to meet. I nodded at hoseok who gave me a thumbs up.

I strutted sexily over to yoongi who raised an eyebrow at me. I bit my lip and pinned him against the wall of the ally. Luckily no one really passed the ally we were in. I know, cliché right?

"W-what are you..?" He managed to stutter out

"You're such a bottom, Yoongi" I said, playing with his blonde hair.

I then moved my hands so they were in between his shoulders and neck. I could tell he looked scared. I gave him a malicious smirk and leaned forward to kiss him. Pushing my hips onto his.

Yoongi tried to move, but I was just that little bit stronger.

I planted my lips on his neck, hearing his breath hitch as i did so.

"J-jimin..get off m-me please" he squirmed

"Why? This is fun, isn't it, baby?" I emphasised the word baby.

(3rd person)

Jimin placed his lips on yoongis, forcing his big hands to rest on his hips.

Hoseok looked at Yoongi, seeing him be manipulated and struggling made his stomach do flips of guilt.

Jimin was now French kissing Yoongi, who wasn't going with it at all.

Finally Yoongi pushed jimin off him.

"Jimin what the fuck?!" Yoongi hissed

"I know you're not dating him"

"We are" the blonde hissed.

Jimin walked up to him, pushing him back against the wall again, his hands trailing to yoongis back

"Oh really?" He smirked

Jimin heard a buzz - yoongis phone. Now was his chance, having Yoongi trapped, he reached down, grabbing his phone from his back pocket, and placed his right hand on his ass, slapping it before walking away. Yoongi not noticing his phone was taken.

Jimin looked at the blondes phone, he had a message, it was from the last person he'd expect - Hoseok.

Hobi: did it work?




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