006 (edited)

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These words made my heart feel like it was just punched with a fist of ice,  it was sweet that he felt like that towards me.



"I'm sorry...about before, I was such a dickhead" he said with a sigh, rushing his hand through his faded mint hair.

"it's fine! Trust me!"

Yoongis eyes widened

"You forgive me just like that?!"

I nodded happily. I was suddenly pulled into a small hug by yoongi. I joined in, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Thank you, again"

"It's okey Yoongo bongo"

He chuckled at the nickname, how cute

"I think I'm ready to "become" your boyfriend"

I could tell he was nervous, it was in his voice. But I was so happy he agreed.

Yoongis phone rang moments after he agreed.


"Um yes"


"Bye...ugh I love you too"

He put his phone down.

"Sorry it was my mother, she's coming home soon And she wants the house clean"

"Ah~ its fine. Have fun cleaning" I said with a smug smile

"Bitch" he said with a smirk as he walked out the door.

My heart felt fuzzy. It was beating so fast. I have a fake boyfriend. I feel bad that it's a fake relationship though.
But maybe it will work out.

What about my friends? I can't just walk up to them and go 'oh hey guys, so I'm dating the bully everyone hates, anyway I have homework bye!

This may be harder than I thought, but for now...I have to focus on the positives.



I got home in silence, no one was home yet. I had time to myself. My mother wanted me to clean but to be honest, I had no energy to do it. I sat down on the small black sofa, thinking of hoseok. It may sound cheesy but I was. He was my fake boyfriend, after all this had gone away, we would be nothing more than friends, maybe not even that. It hurt me to think like that.

Normally I don't care what people think about me, but this one did. Hoseok was a little ray of sunshine and I was a dark rain cloud. Opposites. Everyone would wonder and laugh about how the most cold hearted boy in the school was "dating" the happiest boy that anyone would ever meet.

It was weird to think about.

Moments later I could hear my mothers car pull up in the drive way. My mother wasn't mean or rude, in fact, she was the opposite. She just had a thing for dirty places.

I could hear her unlocking the door with her jangling keys

"Oh yoongi!" She whined "didnt I tell you to clean up?"

"I know..." I said lowering my head. I loved her, but this was embarrassing.

I hugged her as an apology. She pushed me in a playful way. I playfully pushed her back.

"Is it a fight you want little man?" She said with a smile.

Before I could reply, she took me down and started playfully punching and tickling me. She may be old, with grayish hair with only a bit of black left, she may have a few wrinkles on her face, but man could she take you down.

"N-no stop" I said whilst laughing and trying to gasp for air.

Eventually she stopped.

"I have a gift for you"

"Mom I'm 18" I said as she held out a kumamon plush

"Oh so you don't want it?"

"I never said that" I said with a smile as she handed it to me.

"You go upstairs while I make dinner then" she said joyfully.

Her joy and happiness reminded me of Hoseok. it was sweet.

I went upstairs seeing the brunette through our bedroom windows.

I blushed bright red.

He was getting changed. He had his shirt off, showing his abs.

"Fuck, he looks good...." I said quietly with a little giggle.

I guess I was talking to myself for too long because when I turned back to look at him.... he was looking at me. Still no shirt on. With a smirk.

He stopped to write something. He held it up to his window. As I read it, it said...

"Can't get enough of me can you?"


oho twelve year old me! Always making cringey content that the future me has to correct or edit

~space dad🌙

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