008 (edited)

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The weekend had passed. Me and yoongi where still fake dating. I was scared; scared of what people thought of it. I was gay myself so I don't know own what I was worried about, it was strange. I knew people wouldn't accept it and some people would.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring out. I hated Mondays, just like before. The only good side was that I got to see yoongi. The bad side was everything else from, bullies, classes and teachers.

My mother was back and she set out breakfast for herself. Just herself, not me. My mother and i, we have a very strange relationship. One minute she was happy and kind to me, the next she would be horrid and hit me until I was black and blue.

I sat down on the stool leaning my elbows against the counter. I didn't want breakfast today; I didn't feel like it. I picked my phone from my pocket and texted yoongi.

Me: oh, well good morning sleeping beauty.

Yoongi: dont even go there horsey

Me: that hurt my feelings

Yoongi: good

You changed yoongi contact name to bongo <3

Me: want to meet up for school

Bongo <3: so I can beat your ass, yeah

Me: your so mean hyung

Bongo <3:your contact name on my phone is meaner

Me: what is it....?

Bongo <3: horse face

Me: yoongi I swear

Bongo <3: it's true and yes I will meet up with you

Me: okay meet me at mine <3

Bongo <3: will do

After the messaging I sorted my hair out waiting for yoongi to knock on my door. I checked in the mirror to make sure I looked alright. After five or six minutes there was a knock on my door. I walked up to it a opened it, a smile on my face as I did so.

"You ready?" He asked

"Ugh I hope so" I said unenthusiasticly

"Let's go then" he said with a nervous smile

I stepped out of my doorway and the cold hit me instantly. I shivered with cold.

"Here, have this, don't you ever bring things to keep you warm?" yoongi laughed as he handed me his scarf

"W-what about you?" I stuttered the the cold

"I'm swag I don't need scarves" he said smugly

"That was cringey never do that again" I giggled

"Agreed, but it's true" he said with a playful smile

I wrapped the scarf around my neck, it instantly warmed me up. It smelled like yoongi, in reality he was really sweet, but people just twisted his personality like a wire being shaped to fit a circuit.

"Let's get going then" he said with a smile

"To hell we go!" I said sarcastically as yoongi laughed at my joke

Hearing yoongi laugh was the best noise I heard this week. I wanted to hear it again. We started walking to school and to my surprise, I felt fingers intertwine with mine. I looked up to yoongi who looked at me with a smile.

"I know we are fake dating and you ruined my life but hey! Might as well get into the role" he said

"Fair enough" I muttered trying to hide the blush of red on my face.

"Well if it isn't the happy faggot and the grumpy ass fucker" they both heard heard a voice from behind.

Yoongi turned around as I could see his anger growing on his face.

"I got this" I whispered to him. He nodded in reply.

"Ah, Thomas, back at it again, bullying people to make yourself feel better and superior" I said in a smart tone "you know, I thought you would have come to your senses when I got Jackson to beat your ass last time"

"What are you talking about? " the boy stuttered

"Don't you remember? I do, like it was yesterday, do you want me to tell you? Well, I remember that you hurt me, so Jackson came and beat you up, you cried like a little bitch after that, begging like a little whore not to be hit again"

"I don't know what you're on about" he replied with a stutter

"Oh, really? That look on your face says otherwise" I spat

I looked back at yoongi who was surprised at my sass so I decided to turn it up a notch

"In fact you're probably jealous he got a boyfriend before you!"

I could hear yoongi trying to hold in his laughter as hard as he could but was failing badly.

"Tch, whatever" the boy said as he stormed off in a mood

"Wow ! Didn't know you could be so sassy" yoongi smirked

"It could be worse" I said back

"Come on we'll be late if we don't hurry"


"Hoseok?" He said raising an eyebrow

"Carry me?" Yoongi said giving me puppy dog eyes

"We're only fake dating!" I said acting surprised

"Please hoseok?"

"Ugh fine, get on my back. But you have you carry your bag"

"Fine by me" he said without hesitation

(Third Person)

Hoseok took off his bag and passes it to yoongi. He ducks down and the blonde boy jumped on. Its a bit awkward at first but they got used to it.

The brunette put his hands under Yoongis butt to support him. He blushed at it, unable to get rid of the colour.

They finally arrived at school early so they had time to kill. Hoseok and yoongi decided to sit down and talk until Taehyung and friends came along

"W-What's he doing here?"


I had a musical performance today.

Also, hi i love Lance McClain...

~space dad🌙

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