014 (edited)

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"Oh please, I don't need to be told!" Hoseok sassed

"you're spending too much time with jin hyung"  yoongi laughed

"Nothing wrong with that!" Jin gasped hitting yoongis arm "What's wrong with being confident?"

The three started walking home after the incident. Hoseok was glad he got yoongis phone back for him, it made him feel better after the whole jimin thing. Jins house was with namjoon near where the trio went so he separated from them five minutes after they left the mall.

"Yoongs?" Hoseokah spoke a while after jin left

"Yes?" Yoongi replied with a cute smile

"I'm sorry about jimin" the younger sighed

"It's fine hoseok" the blonde smiled

'You really are my hope hoseok but why can't I tell you'  yoongi thought to himself

" are you okey? " Hoseok asked, curious of the older.

"yeah I'm good "  yoongi laughed

The two walked home together unaware of how they felt about each other. Both of them felt the same. They loved one and other. They just didn't know how to express it.

After they got home yoongi sat down with hoseok.

"Look hoseok" yoongi started "I've been feeling things, things that I thought I wouldn't be feeling about people."

" yoongi-?" Hoseok said quietly. His heart raced at what yoongi was going to say.

Yoongi sighs " you know what? I'm just gonna get this over with rather than just droning on about it. " yoongi paused for a while and carried on

" Hoseok...I like you"

Hoseok gave a big sweet grin at yoongi, he felt like he was going to cry.


The blonde looked at hoseok who was smiling like a big idiot

"I like you too " Hoseok giggled "will you be my boyfriend?"

"I'd love to!" Yoongi giggled



~space dad🌙 


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