011 (edited)

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(All you stranger things fans aka me are triggered)

Both of the boys woke up to bright light, Hoseok didn't like it. Jimin on the other hand got up anyway with no problems asked.

"hoseok, its time" jimin pleaded

"Ugh..what?"hoseok groaned

"Come on lazy!" Jimin giggles

Hoseok sat upright with his eyes still half closed. He rubbed them hoping he would wake up a little but more, it worked-ish. The brunette got up with his hair sticking out in every place possible. Jimin passed him a brush to sort it out, he started very slowly dragging it through his tangled hair.

"Hoseok?" Jimin called

"Yeah?" Hoseok replied, peaking his head across the door way of the bathroom where jimin was getting ready.

"Could you help me sort my hair out?" Jimin questioned with a cute pout

"Sure" hoseok said with a smile

After a while of styling, they both agreed on a hair style.

(What it looked like ^^)

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(What it looked like ^^)

Jimin walked to his drawers and picked out a white tshirt, leather jeans and  a black jacket (minus the hat in the photo <3)

Jimin walked to his drawers and picked out a white tshirt, leather jeans and  a black jacket (minus the hat in the photo <3)

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"You look good" jimin heard hoseok call he walked into the bedroom

"I know" jimin smiled,

"Wow cocky much" hoseok joked, punching jimins arm playfully

"Ow! You'll need to text him a place to meet!"

"Oh yeah right. I forgot" hoseok replied with a hint of worry in his voice.

Hoseok pulled out his phone and clicked on yoongis number

                                                                                                             Me: yoongi! Want                                                                                                                     to meet up today ?

Yoongi: who the hell are you and why                                                                                   did you wake me up at this time?                                                                                    Please kindly leave me alone

                                                                                                           me: its hoseok, dickhead! And it's 11:30!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Yoongi: oh yeah, I loose track of time

                                                                                         Me: wow, you know, I'm not even surprised                                                                                            

Yoongi: ouch >_< but tbh I forgot you existed

                                                                                                             Me: well shit

Yoongi: *dabs*

Me: you're not that dude from got7

Yoongi: aww but I love bambam😭

                                                                                                                me: too bad hoe, anyway I was gonna go see kumamon, I heard he's in Seoul later today.

ill meet you in an hour

                                                                                                me: thought so ;;)))))

Hoseoks stomach crawled with guilt he didn't want to do this, he knew this would break them apart even if they where fake dating. Hoseok liked yoongi, he Still wanted him to be happy.

                                                                                            me: Yoongi, i cant do this...

Yoongi: what are you on about??

                                                                                         Me: jimin was curious and                                                                                        suspicious of us 'dating' so he set you up to                                                                          see if you'd cheat on me. So he's gonna see if                                                                     you will today,                                                                       so please Yoongi. Play along!!

Yoongi: hoseok what the fuck?

                                                                                me: please i tried to stop him but he                                                                                        would get too suspicious

Yoongi: ugh fine what do i need to do?

Me: good boy ;)

Yoongi: im not a dog

Me: ;))))

Yoongi: ffs Hoseok


I'm almost done with this crap book!!WEEEEEEW

~space dad🌙

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