005 (edited)

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"Shit.." he sighed.

"Come on Yoongi" I furrowed my brow

"Nope" he stated

"Why not!" I groaned "are you scared of me?" I smirked as I teased him, leaning closer to him, watching him lean back and blush as he did so.

"D-does it really look like I'm scared of you?" Yoongi stuttered

"Your stutter tells me otherwise, Yoongi" I smirked at him, our faces only centimetres apart.

His elbows buckled and he fell, this caused me to trip and fall on top of him.
I was supported on my hands, which where either side of his head.
One of my legs by his thigh and the other in between them.

Yoongi at this point, was as red as a tomato.

"Sorry" I groaned, getting up.

"I-it's okey" Yoongi blushed

I smiled at how vulnerable he Could be.

"What's the plan?" Yoongi asked quietly, still flustered after what just happened.

"we have to pretend to be together.." I said going slightly red in the face"

Yoongis jaw dropped, his face was going a tint of red

"You're joking right?" The mint spluttered

"Afraid not"

"Hoseok, I can't. You're hot and all but I can't."

"You think I'm hot?" I smirked, teasing him again

"I-I umm" he went red again. I love teasing him.

"Well, what if you got to know me better?"

"Could help i guess" Yoongi said trying to keep himself from blushing like he was in the cold.



This was a little awkward but...fun in a way.

"Okey, yoongi! First question!"

"Oh god" I whisperer quietly to myself

"Guys or girls?"

I could tell i was going red, I could feel it. Could I just say I was gay? Would he even accept me? But then again, he did just say we would pretend to be together.

"Wow jumping to the guy or girl thing, great start!" I said sarcastically. I was being rude.

"Just answer it"

"Fine...... g-guys... go on... judge me" I felt so nervous, I had only come out to my mother.



Wow, he liked guys?! I didn't have him down as that kind of person. Maybe this will bring us closer?

"How about you" I heard him ask

"Guys too" I said without a stutter "and I'm not one to judge either"

"That's new then" he said sadly

My heart sank as I heard those words, everyone judged him. Just like me. I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"Okey, my turn" he said, changing the subject "do you have any talents? "

"I can dance"

"Cool, i would like too see you some time" he said with a gummy smile

The smile, melted my heart. It was so beautiful. I wanted to see it again, his smile could brighter up any day with just one look.

"Umm hoseok?"

I jumped back into reality

"Oh sorry it's..just.."

"Just what?" He said.. sounding concerned

"Your smile"

"I know... it's ugly right?"

I choked on spit "that smile made my day! How you can think it's ugly I will never know!"



"You're not like everyone else... you're kind and you care for even a person like me"

I couldn't not smile at this

"You see the happiness and joy in everything.. how?"

I was lost for words I was so happy that he said that, he thinks I'm kind.

"I just try i guess"

"Thank you..."

"For what?"

"Making me feel like I'm cared for.."

Hi I like voltron

~your local space dad🌙

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