009 (edited)

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[Third person]

"W-What's he doing here?"

"Oh and hello to you too!" Yoongi said sarcastically

"Oh Umm sorry" Taehyung stuttered

"So...yoongi...hey?" seokjin said cautiously sitting down on the bench, avoiding eye contact with yoongi

"Oh hi...seokjin, right?" He replied

"Yep!" He said with a said smile, happy he knew his name

"So.. when did you two become friends" jungkook asked

"Oh..us? Yeah we are more then friends" yoongi smirked

Namjoon choked on his crisps, "w-what!?" He managed to spit out

Hoseok blushed a dark shade of red. His phone buzzed as he did so. He casually

Chimchim: what's going on?

                                                                          Me: what do you mean?

Chimchim: dont play stupid, you hardly know the guy and you always go on about how terrible
and mean he is

                                                                                 Me: I know but still! We talked and                                                                           got to know each other and you know....


Chimchim: does he even love you?

                                                                                   Me: I don't know chim


Chimchim: I have an idea >:D

                                                                                Me: jimin, whenever you use that                                                                                  face, something bad always happens


Chimchim: talk to me on the way to class later

We both have math

                                                                                                     Me: Okey will do


Jimin and hoseok exchanged glances and nodded at each other slightly. As the others were talking about how the two got together. You could tell yoongi give had enough of the questions he was being bombarded with. Most of the questions were of course from the eldest.

After half an hour of questions being asked and answered, the bell went. Hoseok knew what he had to do. He waited for everyone to leave for class so he could meet up with jimin.

"So what's where you think king of doing?" Hoseok asked the orange haired boy

"Set him up to see if he cheats" jimin said with a grin

"You need to stop watching that series jimin, I swear" hoseok laughed

"It's good though! " jimin whined

"How are we gonna do this then?" Hoseok asked

Being the angel he was, hoseok felt bad about where this was going. He knew he was fake dating yoongi but he didn't want to hurt his feelings, even if he didn't show them often. But then.. he didn't have any real feelings for yoongi.. well.. that's what he kept telling himself. He knew he had feelings for yoongi, he just didn't want to get attached to him. After all, when this had passed, it would all be over. Yoongi would go back to ignoring him. He would go back to being the cold hearted distant person he used to be. It hurt hoseok, it tugged at the bottom of his heart to think about it.

"So you in?" Jimin said with a wide smile

"Umm I guess?" Hoseok said nervously

"Good" jimin said with his eye smile

They both walked into the math class moments before the bell.

Halfway into the math lesson, hoseok looked out the doorway to see yoongi walking slowly down the corridor. His hoodie was underneath his blazer so the hood waso hanging out the back.

Hoseok could help but look downwards at his ass. Hoseok smirked at himself for looking. He looks good. Hoseok thought as he bit his lip.

"Stop being a pervert! Focus on class, not his ass" jimin giggled

"Okey that was cheesy, even for you" hoseok laughed


After class jimin asked hoseok if he wanted to come over so they could discuss their "plan"

Yoongi said it was fine as long as he wasn't 'cheating' or doing any funny business. Hoseok lied and said they would be doing just homework, yoongi thought that it would be Okey.

When they finally got to jimins house they went up to his room and sat on his bed

"Okey here's how this is gonna work!" Jimin said with a micheavous look in his eye


mmm I love shitty stories of my own creation :)

Btw I didn't change much of this one bcus I liked the idea soooo, GURP


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