004 (edited)

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Drilling was going on outside - I just so happened to be sleeping.
My head rang with the sound. It was painful.
I groaned and sat up, my hand on my head.

'Buzz buzz'

My phone


what is this!!?

Seokjin sent a photo

I viewed the text he sent me and went bright red. It was the photo that snobby fucker took in the boys bathrooms.

seokjin how
did you get that?

it was airdropped

fuck, I know why
this has happened. I'll be right back

have fun ;)

Me: piss off

you love me ;)

I turned off my phone and ran to next door, banging on the front door angrily.  A few moments later hoseok answered. Full of rage I let it out.

"YOU HAVE RUINED MY LIFE!" I screamed, tears threatening to fall.

"what the hell!" He yelled

I kicked him hard, he fell to the floor.
I went up to him and kept him to the ground with him squirming, just just kept hitting and hitting. He got me a few times, I was really tired out. I was too tired to notice that he was in a kicking position, with one swift movement
I was on the floor. Again.



I had his collar clenched in my fist, his hand was wrapped around mine. I could see the anger and hate in his eyes, why was he mad at me?

"Who do you think you are!? You can't just walk you my home and kick me!" I screamed. Luckily my parents weren't home.

"How can you say that!" He yelled back at me "don't you remember!?"

I thought back, trying to remember what he was talking about.

"You idiot! The fight we had that, fucking incident where it looked like we were having it on the bathrooms!" He continued

"What about it!?" I said letting go of his collar making him drop to the ground heavily

"The boy who took a photo of us! He sent it to every one!" He yelled frowning, helping himself up in the process.

"But he just said it was evidence!?" The brunette hissed.

"The guys a twat! Did you really think he would just show and only show the principal?!"

My heart sank, it was over. If he had sent it to everyone, i would have to move again. It scared me, the thought of being the new kid all over again

"I have a plan" I said with a little hope "you may hate it but it might just work"

"If it will make people think we didn't have sex then I'm all ears"

"we will have to work together for it to work though, otherwise it could backfire" I continued

"Shit.." he sighed.


Ooooo look at that crap editing! ;)

~your local wheezie 🌙

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