* Prologue - Past

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The wind blows softly through the open window illuminating the dazzling scenery beyond the window that contains an endless blue sky that is radiant as can be covered in warm fluffy white clouds. Lena yawns loudly as she leans back against some lavish, puffy and very comfortable pillows on a golden embroidered couch. Lena easily ignores the peaceful view pretending to read the open book in her lap. Lost in her own thoughts, Lena fails to hear her maid, Holly pushing a cart piled with food.

Holly is a short and petite female, who is quite bossy at that. But her bossy nature is often mistaken as a cute part of her character due to her physical appearance, strawberry blond hair and big hazel eyes. Holly primly soothes out her maid uniform before she places her hands on her hips and chirps, "Why must you insist on only wearing men pants and clothes, which is scandalous, to say the least! But please at least cease to wear that outlandish clothing and remove your filthy boots from the couch, that my Lady is a priceless antique!"

Lena doesn't raise an eyebrow at Holly's tone of voice, but rather enjoys the soothing sound of Holly's voice. Holly is rather adorable, to begin with, and when Holly gets mad her cheeks turn rosy making her even more adorable. It was tragic to say, but Lena had an Achilles heel for cute things.

Holly sputters indignation upon finding no reaction. "Lady Lena, as the only daughter of the illustrious Duke Bartholomew of Fallujah, you should comport yourself as the proper lady that you are!" Holly firmly reprimanded as she purposely whips out the pillows from underneath her lady.

With a loud oof, Lena falls backward against the couch and finds herself staring at the upside-down face of Holly. "Holly, your mouth looks like a frog like this," Lena teasingly said. Holly glares at her lady as she slams the soft pillow into Lena' face. Lena lets out a muffled off as Holly stomps back to the cart and rather brusquely prepares a cup of tea.

Lena sighs as she removes the pillow from her and rises to her feet. Lena leisurely stretches her arms over her head as her back pops in relief. Trotting over to a small fine table next to an open window, Lena seats herself upon the expensively carved, cushioned chair and stares idly out the window. Some of the maid's children play on the lawn as several squire's spars with wooden sticks against each other. Lena's lips curve into a small smile until she catches a glimpse of a woman's reflection in the glass panel.

The woman wears a white buttoned shirt with a blue waistcoat and black silk tailored trousers. She has untouched smooth skin like ivory accompanied by a proportioned face that holds bright sapphire colored eyes and luscious red lips. Her glossy, straight red hair hangs freely just barely reaching past her ample chest. In fact, this woman has a body made for sin. Her chest is large enough to be soft, but small enough to remain perfectly firm. Even though she is rather tall compared to most women, she has a curved waist, slim legs, and a rounded behind. There is just one problem, that woman happens to be Lena.

Lena's gloomy thoughts are rudely interrupted by Holly, who rather pointedly and loudly places a cup of tea on the table with a platter of sugary snacks. Holly sniffs and politely says, "Is there anything else I can do for my Lady?"

Lena smiles ruefully as she impishly replies, "How about a smile?" Holly snorts under her breath and turns on her heels. Holly's short figure quickly disappears as her skirts swoosh and sway away quite angrily. Lena thoughtfully reaches for a cookie and munch on it slowly, before taking a sip of the lavender tea. After a moment, Lena raises her gaze to the sky as the picturesque scenery fades away from view and she remembers her previous life.

Back then Lena had been born to her unwed teenage mother, Sarah Miller. Lena had never known either of her parents as upon being born, Lena had been handed over to social services who had, in turn, thrust her upon her uncle, John Hawkwood, (her mother's half-brother). 28 years old, John suddenly found himself saddled with a newborn child. But for some unknown reason, he and his all-male mercenary squad, "The White Company," decided to keep Lena. (But to Lena, John was more than an uncle, but her mom and dad. And that was exactly what she called him, Dad, to his great embarrassment.)

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