* Chapter 26.2 - Whispers

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Not only the capital is the in an uproar but the entire country. Rampant whispers roamed as people exclaimed that it was no wonder the war was won. The scarlet princess was in cahoots with the dark forces, the enemy, or better yet slept her way to the top.

The Duchess became gravely ill once the news reached her. But neither her husband nor the household would permit her to perish. With the tender care of the Bartholomew household, they did everything in their power to ensure her health.

The worse of her illness disappeared, but the Duchess was far from recovered. She was not alone as the Bartholomew household was suddenly besieged by critiques, but not a single member of the household spoke to outsiders in regards to the matter. Without a doubt their Lady Lena was being framed and that was enough for them. They held firm to their beliefs and they were not the only ones.

Fort Terra and any inhabitant of the Duchy of Hyacinth would not hear a word said against her. Drunk strangers who dared to disrespect her, suddenly found themselves thrown onto the street, while being overly charged for their meals and drinks.

But as the rest of the country had forgotten her valiant efforts and sacrifice. How easily the hearts of men are swayed away?


Alita Solana was drinking tea as she visited with Bridgette Hlynn in the kingdom of Corral. Alita had been sent to create new trade routes via the shipping enterprise of Corral. And as Alita was on friendly terms with the heir to be, rather than her older brothers being sent to negotiate, Alita was sent in their stead.

The view is simply breathtaking as the wind runs through their hair and the view of blue shining sea can be seen. Bridgette smiles in understanding as she ruefully says, "How's that stupid cat treating you?"

Alita chokes for a moment as she wipes the tears from her eyes. "The same," Alita softly said as she wipes her mouth with a linen napkin.

Bridgette raises her eyebrows and coolly retorts, "It isn't because you're former warring clans, is it?"

Alita shakes her head. "No, I don't think so. It's just that we seem to be at odds with each other. To be honest, I would have preferred to marry his younger brother, he's sweeter."

"Yes, I understand the sentiment," Bridgette said as she took a sip from of her jasmine tea. "There is a legend of old that says, those of royal bloodlines are descended from dragons and gods. I suppose there must be some truth to the tale or else how easily do we wed out of need rather than love," Bridgette softly murmured.

Alita doesn't respond as they drink their tea in heavy silence. The rustling is heard as a female guard trots up the stairs towards the balcony. The female guard lowers her spear and kneels. "Princess, there is news from Alyssum, the Scarlet Princess is accused of crimes against the crown. Lena of Bartholomew is stripped of her name, title and has been sentenced to imprisonment in the palace dungeons," The guard firmly reported.

Alita pales as Bridgette is aghast as she dismisses the female guard. The toned female nods as she gathers her spear and marches back down the stairs. The two sip their teas in silence as they regain their composure.

Alita softly coughs and says, "It can't be true, can it?"

"Must be as she had been charged," Bridgette flatly replied.

"The woman that we met would not have done such a thing," Alita firmly retorted.

Bridgette sighs and says, "What is done is done, Alita. Nothing we say will change that. Whether she is innocent or not is irrelevant. She has been found guilty and the whole world will believe it so."

Alita presses her lips together unhappily but does not reply. The two are quiet for the rest of the afternoon until dinner, when they once more make peace. But Alita was one of the few who truly was shocked, most reacted similarly to the people of Alyssum. And relished seeing the downfall of the Scarlett Princess.

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