Chapter 31.2 - Swing Low

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The tawny haired man waves to the guards and says, "I'll catch up later, I've got a girl to check up on first." The guards chuckle amongst themselves in understanding as they head to their designated posts a couple crossly mumble about the Investigation Unit, who had gained a new name, sniffers.

"Damn those sniffers, they're just getting in the way."

"Former criminals the lot of them."

"Enough," a listening sergeant bellowed. The men quiet down as the sergeant continues, "Captain's orders. I don't want to hear another word or I'll shut your yatter mouths myself."

The guards quiet down as the tawny haired man had long since passed unnoticed. By coincidence he had been assigned to one of the areas of the chosen targets and the two-other areas had been assigned as well. That only left one area open with two potential targets.

He had no choice, he would first have to take the target and later dispose of the 3rd. If he was gone too long, the rest of the guards would notice and feel something was amiss. Rather heading to the closest target, he heads to the farthest. The 4th would be easier to take out of the two.

Clinging to the shadows he skirts up the brick wall and enters the room. Her soft snores fill the room as he presses a wet cloth against her mouth. The body relaxes as he wraps the 4th in her bedsheets and carries away the bundle. With care, he leaps out of the window and lands with a huff on his feet. He frowns a bit at the unexpected weight. For a fourteen year old girl, she weighted much more than he initially thought. That thought remained throughout his journey as he carried her over his shoulders.

With a bit of juggling, he manages to pry open the side entrance to the guard barracks. The halls are empty as with ease he enters a secluded part and slides open an unused part of the quarters. The hallway is dusty only showing his footsteps as he carries the 4th into the storage room and softly places her on the floor.

Carefully locking the door behind him, he heads to his storage room. To his surprise, he finds the door slightly ajar. Panicking he looks inside and doesn't see her. With fury, he bolts out as figures appear before him and behind him. A lit torch reveals the grim face of Captain Alcott.

"You'll never find her without my help," the tawny haired man bluffingly said.

"No need," Barclay said as a figure still wrapped in a sheet is led over. The sheets are ripped off the 4th to reveal the face. The tawny haired man's eyes widen at recognizing the smaller woman from the Cathedral.

Marie glares at the tawny haired man. "I'd recognize those eyes anywhere," she flatly said, before adding, "It's been a while big brother," as everyone stares at her in surprise.

"Marie, is that you?" The tawny haired man disbelieving said as he took a step towards her.

Marie firmly points at him and says, "I recognized you at the cathedral despite all these years. Only you would be sick enough to commit such abhorrent acts."

"Come now, Marie, it wasn't like that," The tawny haired man softly said as he held his hand outstretched out.

Everyone frowns with distaste at his actions, there clearly was something wrong with this man's head. Or more so, he was twisted in a way no human should ever be.

Marie bitterly smiles as she opens her buttoned up long sleeve shirt. The group winces as faint brutal scars are cover her chest and stomach. "This beast convinced everyone that I was hurting myself. I was locked in an asylum for three years before I escaped. Everyone only ever saw his charming face never seeing the beast lurking within. But I saw, only I ever saw," Marie distantly said as she covers herself up.

The tawny haired man sighs as he pulls out a blade. "Till next time, my bunny rabbit," he cooed as Marie flinched and everyone darted forward. Blood spurted across their faces as he split his throat from end to end before falling gurgling to the floor with a smile on his face.

Anais rushes forward to heal him, but the damage is too great. With a last triumphant gurgle, the tawny haired man passes away to their dismay.


"Good work," Captain Alcott said as the investigation unit was gathered in his office. Barclay beams and accepts the praises as the rest nod in acceptance.

"You will be properly reward by his Majesty. But, I am afraid that some of tonight's events can never surface," Captain Alcott reluctantly said as the Investigator Unit stiffens with disbelief.

Before they can protest, Captain Alcott adds, "It cannot never be revealed that a guard was behind of the attacks. Not only will the country be in turmoil, but we will lose the faith of the citizens. Alyssum is facing a severe crisis of faith in authority figures. First, the House of Byron, then Lena of Bartholomew, and now a guard?

Another betrayal will break the people. Instead, we will announce that Dick the rat, a petty brutal thug of the streets went mad. The people will be much more accepting of that story."

"Then Douglas departs this world with his name scot-free?" Marie harshly roared.

Captain Alcott sighs and replies, "No, neither you and I can change the fact that he will be judged for his crimes in the afterlife. You have my condolences for your suffering and pain at his hands, but I will not sacrifice good men for one dead man."

Marie clenches her fists with fury as Anais reaches over and pulls her into a hug. Marie stiffens and relaxes in Anais calm embrace.

"Nobles, the lot of them," Barclay murmurs as they walk with several of the members grunting in agreement as Liaison Gauthier mutters back about checking up on something.

John surprise everyone by saying, "We caught the bastard and saved the girl! We're heroes and isn't that a rare sight. Had anyone told me a year a girl, I'd be a law men I would have laughed and beaten them sill. But here we are a band of misfits, we should be celebrating!"

The rest of the members harken in agreement at Barclay leads the way to his old haunts in the capital. As they go Barclay begins to brag how he stole into the night and stole his wife. The group groans at having the tale a hundred times before. They all rush away as Barclay grunts indignantly.

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