* Chapter 4 - Crowd Pleaser

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Early the next morning, Lena sits at her desk. The office that was once unorganized and cluttered with papers looks like an entirely different room. Holly had neatly organized and cleaned the office until it looked like it belonged within any Nobel's home.

The sound of the door opening disrupts Lena's admiring thoughts as Holly in her proper and prim maid's outfit pushes along a gleaming cart with hot breakfast. Holly sniffs and determinedly orders, "My Lady, please sit down at the table to eat and not at your study."

"Of course, I only aim to please," Lena murmured as she sat herself at the small eating table.

Holly snorts under breath as she prepares the food and darkly mutters to herself, "If only, that were the case. Then we wouldn't be here, now would we?"

Finishing eating her breakfast Lena hears frantic pounding footsteps coming closer through the open door. Lena turns towards the source as an out of breath Private Ace stands in the doorway.

"Captain-," Private Ace wheezed as he stops for a moment to gain his breath before continuing, "The men are gathered in the courtyard! They say, they won't fight under a noble who is playing at being a hero! They demand that Captain Bartholomew resign immediately!"

Lena nonchalantly blows on her hot tea, before taking a sip. "Oh, is that all?" Lena casually said as she takes a bite out of a bread roll coated in raspberry jam.

Private Ace gapes at the Captain not understanding the reason for the relaxed attitude at the worrisome situation.

Lena had been expecting the sticky situation to arise since yesterday and frankly it took too long to develop. "Yes, well it comes as no small surprise. Now then Private Ace, don't you have anything else to report to me?" Lena pointedly said as she took another sip.

Private Ace gapes, before composing himself and weakly replying, "The pole is slightly vibrating a bit more since yesterday."

Lena quickly drains the slightly too warm tea and scalds her tongue. "Well, I'm off Holly, wish me luck," Lena optimistically said as she finishes the last of her bread.

Holly frowns at the crumbs, but doesn't protest. "Well, Private, please do lead the way. We mustn't keep the men waiting," Lena considerately said as she rose to her feet.

Private Ace stiffens for a moment in disbelief, before stiffly turning around and leading the Captain towards the angry mob of men. They emerge outside of the headquarters to see the soldiers gathered with the military ranking officers standing idly to the side.

The men's chatter dies down as they see a woman walking behind Private Ace. Private Ace sickly stops in front of the men as Lena motions for him to move to the sidelines. Private Ace practically skips with joy as he speedily heads towards the gathered officers.

Lena bows deeply to the men, before saying, "I apologize for my lack of manners in not presenting myself prior, I am Captain Bartholomew."

The men stare at each other in surprise at the unexpected gesture of having a noble bow to them. As Lena raises herself upright from beneath her eyelashes she studies the officers. Most of the officers look surprised at her actions, but certainly not impressed. Well, they're in for a treat.

"Well, now that's out of the way. Who here wishes for me to leave? Honestly raise your hands, I won't punish you for stating your opinions," Lena loudly and rather convincingly said.

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