Chapter 33 - Delirious

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-October 16th of 1963

The maids quiver as Queen Florence rises from her bed. On her feet, Queen Florence allows the slip to fall onto the floor as she leisurely steps over the crumpled slip. A maid hastily offers a robe to her as Queen Florence coldly ignores the held-out robe and strides into the bath chambers. With a sigh of pleasure, she sinks into the rose scented, warm bath water.

The maids scurry forward and gently wash Queen Florence's raven hair. Queen Florence frowns as a maid pulls to hard as a pointed prick digs into her skin. The maid is almost in tears as she hastily apologizes as the Queen magnanimously accepts the lowly servant's apology.

Queen Florence dismisses with her hand as the maid gratefully flees away. The water stream downs Queen Florence body as she steps out of the tub as the maids hastily hand her a bath robe and towel her dry. The troop of maids seat her and prepare her for tonight's social.

Queen Florence drifts in memory as the King announced her confinement until the entire mess died down. With great relish Queen Florence watched as that foolish woman was charged and condemned. The tiara's effects had worked perfectly as the Scarlet Princess did not even utter a word in her own defense.

It was so easy to set everything up for that woman to take the fall. But now, she would have to watch her back against them. They knew far too much about her affairs especially that they had begun to move. She could not afford to publicly antagonize them as the light was not to be trifled with.

A maid fearfully interrupts the Queens reverie and says, "Your Majesty, the King wishes for thy presence."

Queen Florence allows herself to be escorted, not before pausing to gaze at the painted hues of a winter's sunset. The maid and guards grow impatient until Queen Florence strides forward into the private chambers of the King.

The guards allow bow as they allow her to enter. King Julius is finishing dressing as Queen Florence runs an appraising eye over him. Still handsome and fit, the King was a particularly fine specimen.

Queen Florence licks her lips as her appetite is wetted. It had been some time since she had visited his chambers. Tonight, would be a good as any, waste not she would say.

King Julius dismisses his valets as they silently scurry out and the doors shut firmly before them. Queen Florence bows and softly says, "You look fine this evening, my King."

King Julius icily retorts, "My Queen, I needn't remind you to comport yourself this evening?"

Queen Florence stiffens, but swiftly composes herself. "My King, is something wrong?" Queen Florence softly asked.

"Florence, I will not tolerate another incident again," King Julius tautly said as he moved towards the door.

Queen Florence angrily hisses, "Incident? I am not on trial. I have done nothing wrong to be spoken in that tone!"

King Julius halts and rapidly turns to face her. Queen Florence eyes widen at the fury in his eyes as he grabs her chin and forces to gaze him in the eye. "I have tolerated thine extracurricular affairs for many years and even turned a blind eye to the toying of my nobles. But I will not tolerate having my hand forced again, Florence of Apone.

How will thy precious Apone react, when the earl's 2nd daughter returns in disgrace as a divorcee? Will the earl permit that daughter to reside in his manor?" King Julius roared.

Queen Florence pales for the first time in her life. Never had King Julius spoken to her in all the years they were married. But most of all, she had never believed he truly was aware of all his doings. But if he knew, then her time was at an end.

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