Chapter 33.2 - Chatter

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Nobles chatter in the court as a group of young dandies and ladies gather. The ladies whisper over their fans as the young court dandies preen to each other.

"Did you hear the Queen has fallen ill?

"The Queen had not shown her face months and she did she relapsed."

"How awful!"

"A tragedy."

"Is it contagious?"

"The Queen has been secluded."


"And she was such a beauty too."

"Yes, it will be such a loss for the court."

A family of dark dressed individuals stride through the court as they make way. There was almost a dark air about them as their faces were all pale with dark hair and eyes. Their dark clothing only made them that much grimmer.

"Who's that?" A young terrified lady whispered.

"The Vivaldi family."


"Yes, an old obscure household on the brink of ruin."

"Why are they here?"

"Who knows, but rumor has it that they're being rewarded."

"Rewarded for what? What could they have possibly done to earn a reward from His Majesty himself?"

"Well-, there are rumors?"

"Do tell!"

The voices grow more hushed and secretive.

"Rumor has it, that they know unsavory folks?"

"Like ruffians?"

"No, those are a dime a dozen!"

"What she means to say is dark magic."

"Like Necromancers?"

"Exactly, my dear."

"Gasp!" "How are they still permitted in court?"

"Well, those are just rumors, you silly little thing."

"But you must admit there is an air about them that does give good cause."

"Yes, but-," Before they can continue His Majesty approaches. The court gathers around like a good flock of sheep following their shepherd. And good little sheep do as they're told.

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