* Chapter 5 - Invitation

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Many hours later, late in the evening Lena rouses herself from her desk and makes her way to the dungeons. The men are cheering and celebrating their utter victory over the Cypress army. They toast and cheer as they happily praise the Captain having allowed them each only one cup of Ale to drink. After all, the enemy could still attack and drunk men cannot fight.

Being so busy celebrating, the men fail to notice Lena pass by and even finds the regular guards missing from their post. The cool air of the dungeon feels refreshing against her skin as her footsteps echo loudly as she descends below.

The four men glance up and wait for the Captain to seat herself in the chair before him. Lena leisurely cross her feet and rests her hands on her stomach. The men hold mixed expressions as they move to speak as she motions for them to speak one at a time.

They close their mouths with a snap as Lena turn towards one of the men. "Let us begin with the first topic at hand. Chief Officer Gauthier, please report your findings," Lena ordered.

Chief Officer Gauthier clears his throat nervously and answers, "I have long suspected our forces of having a high-ranking spy among our midst. After all, how did the Cypress army know when and where to attack, being especially aware of the forts biggest weakness?

If not for our deceased Captain Lark, carrying out a surprise inspection on the walls, the walls would have surly been breached and the fort would have fallen."

At Chief Officer Gauthier's words, Lieutenant Darrell, Staff Sergeant Jones and Sergeant Robertson, all frown as their expressions darken at the mention of a traitor. However, even though their eyes are full of questions they bite their tongues and wait.

"After our meeting, I remained behind and explained my suspicions to Captain Bartholomew. With the aid of the Captain, we came up with a plan to trap the traitor; I was to deliver a change of plans to Lieutenant Darrell.

Only three persons where present and had access to the message: myself, Lieutenant Darrell and Corporal Vernal," Chief Officer Gauthier paused for a moment to allow his words to sink in.

Lena hides her smile at Chief Officer Gauthier superb performance. If she had been the one who initiated the idea, the men would instantly rally around the traitor and be aghast at having their loyalty questioned. But if it was one of their own, they would have a much easier time of accepting the idea of a traitor.

Chief Officer Gauthier more confidently continues, "There was only one possible person left as the traitor, Corporal Vernal."

Before the men can open their mouths to protest Chief Officer Gauthier quickly rushes through the end of his report, "Through some hidden means, I can personally attest to the fact that Corporal Vernal is the traitor. Not only did he send the enemy a message of our impending attack, but their reply that I stole prior to Corporal Vernal receiving it."

Reaching into his pocket Chief Officer Gauthier pulls out a small scroll and hands it to Lieutenant Darrell. Lieutenant Darrell quivers with rage for a moment as he takes the scroll from Chief Officer Gauthier hands as Staff Sergeant Jones and Sergeant Robertson crowd around Lieutenant Darrell and peer over his shoulder at the message in Lieutenant Darrell's hand.

"Corporal Vernal,

Your ailing mother has received your message and will take care to wrap herself up well, in order to avoid the cold.


Lieutenant Darrell with silent fury in his eyes crumbles the paper in his fist, while a vein pulses violently under an eye of Staff Sergeant Jones and as an utter icy coldness enters Sergeant Robertson's kind eyes.

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