* Chapter 9 - Aftermath

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Dawn arrives to find Lena carrying the fallen and gently placing them onto the pyre that was hastily constructed by the east wall. After conversing with the earth mages, they agreed to gather the fallen soldiers to burn in an honoree pyre, whilst using earth magic to bury the enemy soldiers in the valley.

The men wanted to leave them out in the sun, but Lena refused not wanting the spread of disease to arise from the corpses. Besides, the enemy fought valiantly against them on the battlefield. They had more than received their due to be properly buried.

The men all salute Lena and stare with admiration as she passes by. In reverent tones, they recount the captain's prowess on the battlefield.

Lena hadn't really wanted too, but she needed to send proof to the capital as a sign of victory. While it was still dark and the men were finishing off the last remnants of the enemy, she handed the severed heads to a messenger with orders to deliver the package directly to the king. The battered soldier with great pride saluted her, before riding at full speed towards the capital.

The men and women busy with their duties cheer as Lena enters the fort. The air is filled with their flowing praises as Lena waves lightly at them in response. Once at headquarters, Lena swiftly washes and dresses as her stomach clambers unhappily.

Without Holly, Lena was forced to fend for herself. Luckily, she had a hidden stash of snacks for just such emergencies. Exhausted, Lena plops into her chair as she cramps her hidden stash of goodies in her mouth. Rapid footsteps are heard as Lena almost chokes in her haste to swallow.

Lieutenant Darrell leads the victory parade of officers as they all gaze at the captain with newfound respect. The last officer to enter reverently shuts the door as the officer's line up. Lieutenant Darrell salutes and says, "Captain, sir, we were utterly victorious and crushed the enemy!" At his words the officers all beam and puff out their chests.

"We would not have been victorious if it was not for my loyal officers and the valor of our soldiers," Lena firmly said as the officers preen at the praise.

"Captain, after the bombardment of the cannons began, the enemy fell into complete disarray and fled upon finding their general dead. However, the second prince of Cypress gave the enemy a second wind as they rallied once more under his banner.

Nevertheless, once the Captain enclosed and beheaded the prince, the enemy lost all will to fight and fled. Many the enemy were killed in battle, but we did manage to capture a fair share of enemy soldiers as our prisoners and are currently housed in the dungeon.

As for losses, I regretfully announce, that we lost 338 men. Our wounded total 350 men and 5 women being injured to various degrees. The fault lies with me, Captain. Please discipline me as the Captain sees fit, I will not protest," Lieutenant Darrell sincerely said as he bowed deeply towards Lena.

The officers look startled at Lieutenant Darrell's words, but there is some truth there. Had Lieutenant Darrell led and positioned his men better the outcome would have been very different. But Lena can't just outright punish him, but would allow the incident to be a learning lesson for him instead.

"Lieutenant Darrell, should there be an opportunity for promotion in the nearby future, you will not be promoted until you feel that you are ready," Lena steadily said as the officers grinned in reply as Lieutenant Darrell's face was filled with hope and respect at the kind words.

A fair middle aged with the rank of Corporal had been slightly frowning the whole time suddenly interjected himself. "Captain -, sir, where is Corporal Vernal? There are also 5 missing officers as well!" The Corporal strongly demanded to know.

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