* Chapter 29 - 1st Case

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Claire von Freire was the 1st girl taken. Two days later, Emilia Schneider was taken and the corpse of Claire von Freire was found. Three days later, Patricia Rossi was taken and the corpse of Emilia Schneider was found.

The nobles were roaring for blood as the masses were filled with terror. The 1st girl was a noble, the second a merchant's daughter and the 3rd a soldier's daughter. Simply put anyone could be next.

Immediately members of the Investigation Unit were summoned. Within hours, Barclay Reed, Liaison Gauthier and several other graduated members were in the capital. The guards had already informed them of details pertaining to the crime, but they asked to see the only official crime scene in person.

Liaison Gauthier takes a sample of dried blood for future use. Anais bends down close to the ground and says, "Tracks can't be seen, too many people have come through here in the last few days. But from the blood splatter and the wound pattern found on the corpse, I dare say he's shorter than me, but taller than Meric over here."

Meric snorts as one of the guards accompanying them in disbelief says, "How could you possibly know that?"

A short dwarf named, Meric says, "Height level. If the arrows hit mid-chest at a flat level that means the arrows didn't have to traverse the air vertically."

The guard looks confused as the dwarf grumbles, "Humans, under his breath." Clearing his throat, he calmly says, "If I shot you with a crossbow and the arrows were flat, where would my arrows hit?"

The guard points to waist. The dwarf nods and says, "If I shot the arrows at your chest right now, they would be diagonal slanting upwards. Since, the arrows weren't we can estimate his height based on that."

The rest of the team returns as Barclay turns towards the guards and firmly says, "We need to talk to the parents of the victims and friends."

The guard opens his mouth to protest as another guard sternly says, "Captain said, we give them what we want." The protesting guard shuts his mouth as the group splits into three groups each heading towards one of the victim's homes.

Lord Freire receives a group of very different individuals. An older gentleman with a dangerous glint in his eye, a beauty with green eyes and a coopery haired dwarf with a neatly trimmed beard.

Lord Freire looks weary and says, "I apologize for my wife's absence, but she is not well."

"No, that is perfectly understandable," the green-eyed beauty said as she accepted a cup of tea from the maid as the rest of the members declined.

Lord Freire becomes more at ease at her tone of voice and actions. "And how may I help you?" Lord Freire quietly asked.

"We apologize and we understand this is a painful topic for you. But had you or any members of the household noticed anything amiss in the days before the tragic incident. A stranger roaming about, anything at all could be useful," Anais smoothly said.

Lord Freire shakes his head and says, "I can't think of anything, but maybe, Francis my butler would know."

Francis is swiftly summoned and repeated the question. Francis an older gentleman with a fading widows peak says, "Nothing was amiss except that the maids reported that some of their items were suddenly missing."

"What items?" Anais firmly asked.

Francis frowned but given a pointed look from his Lord, he could not refuse to answer. "Their unmentionables," Francis gruffly replied.

"You mean to say, their undergarments?" Anais carefully asked.

"Yes, precisely that," Francis snapped back most indignantly.

The four of them look at each other as they rise to their feet. "Thank you for your time, Lord Freire. Once more, I am sorry for your loss. But I promise you this, we will avenge your loss," Anais sincerely said.

"Thank you, I can ask for nothing more," Lord Freire said as he rose to his feet and saw them out the door.

Liaison Gauthier separates from his group on another errand as they visit the friends for the victims. Late that afternoon they swiftly return to their current office a former classroom in an abandoned corner of the guard's barracks. Once assembled, Barclay grabs a piece of chalk and writes one board clues and on the other's victims and suspects.

"Now what do they have in common?" Barclay asks as he writes.

"Nothing at first glance," Styr, the former assassin said before adding, "But all of them were untouched maidens per all that knew them."

"They're all brunettes," Meric interjected.

The group pauses as Annise matter-of-factly states, "That's his type. But what's so special about these three?"

"They don't have matching eyes nor are do they have the same body type. Claire was short and thin, but Emilia was taller and more curved, while Patricia is medium height and rather curved," a burly man named John firmly said.

"Alright, do they visit the same places or frequent the same friends?" Barclay asked as he wrote some information on the chalk board.

"None, they don't even attend the same denominations. Claire belonged to the Light, Emilia to Wisdom and Patricia to War," Meric swiftly answered.

The group is stumped for a moment as Barclay moves to the next board. "Our killer thought he left no clues, but he must have missed something. What type of man is he?" Barclay said as he waited with chalk in hand.

"Well, we know his height and he has some military training," Styr calmly answered.


"The precision and ease he used the crossbow. A hunter would never use a crossbow to hunt and an assassin would not waste his bolts using only one or two to get the job done."

Barclay nods in satisfaction and asks, "Good, what else?"

"He's strong. To carry any of those women off, he is by no means weak," Anais drily replied.

"He's calculating. He's watched these women for some time, before taking them. Meaning he already has his next victim ready," John gruffly said.

The group is still for a moment as the quiet Marie speaks up. "Yes, but he takes them in patterns. He done something like this before. I don't mean taking the woman, but petty crimes. He's slowly grown more and more audacious with time. There must be some proof of his previous crimes before," Marie steadily said.

"The undergarments," Meric hastily said as the group stare strangely at him as he crossly adds, "I don't mean like that! The woman's undergarments were stolen from the Freire manor, before Claire's being taken. Weren't there thefts at the other two houses?"

"Yes, a fine crossbow was stolen from the Rossi family. While an entire case of silverware went missing from the Schneider household," Anais excitedly said as she hugs the startled dwarf.

Meric blushes furiously and embarrassedly growls, "Let go, you giant elf woman!"

Anais flushing brightly let's go of the dwarf as she hides her face. Barclay eyes twinkle at the pairs antics before becoming sober. "Ask the guards if there been any thefts reported in the last few days. Narrow the targets down to household that possess unwed brunette daughters," Barclay ordered. The group quickly moves to respond as Barclay remains behind waiting for Liaison Gauthier's return.

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