17.3 Apperances

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~ POV of Cardinal Richelieu (Member of the Church of Light) ~

A young acolyte in white robes scurries up the stairs and crashes into a handsome older man in white cloth and red sash. The young acolyte stammers apologetically upon recognizing the figure Cardinal Richelieu, "Your Holiness, I am so sorry!"

Cardinal Richelieu smiles fatherly at the young acolyte. "Nonsense my child, it is alright. May the goddess of Light always shine upon you."

The acolyte bows in awe as he rushes away. He was simply in awe of having such an important figure. With glee, he runs off to tell his friends.

Cardinal Richelieu waves to the youth as he makes his way to the inner sanctuary. Cardinal Richelieu warmly greets the archbishops and other members of the clergy as he passes through. Most of them smile warmly though a few keep their faces blank as they greet Cardinal Richelieu as he makes his way through.

Two paladins nod at Cardinal Richelieu as he enters the inner sanctum filled with the cardinals with the pope's chair remaining vacant. Cardinal Richelieu seats himself at the table as the rustling of the robes is heard as the rest of the members seat themselves.

Cardinal Dulles remains standing and says, "The goddess of Light greets you," as the members in turns respond, "And we greet the goddess. May we always bask in her light."

Cardinal Dulles sits down as a stern woman rises to her feet, Cardinal Avery. Cardinal Avery coldly says, "The King of Alyssum has adopted the daughter of the house of Bartholomew."

A young archbishop clears his throat and says, "Is she not a member of the Church of Light?"

Cardinal Avery growls, "The woman is known as the Scarlett Princess. It is inappropriate for the Church of Light to sanction such a woman! She must be excommunicated!"

The air is suddenly full of shouts of disagreements until Cardinal Richelieu rises to his feet and signals for the members to reseat themselves. "Calm yourself my dear brothers and sisters. The goddess shines her light on all her children no matter how far they have strayed," Cardinal Richelieu calmly said.

Cardinal Dulles clears his throat and adds, "It is as Cardinal Richelieu says, the girl has committed no grave sin. Besides the choice does not lie with us but with his holiness. His holiness has accepted her and as the living embodiment of the goddess, we shall listen to the decree as holy write."

Cardinal Avery frowns as do some of the members. Cardinal Richelieu warmly says, "Dulles, you cannot blame them for their fear. But if the child has strayed it is our duty to lead her back. I see no harm in their doing so."

Cardinal Dulles does not answer as he merely leans back against his seat and closes his eyes. Mollified Cardinal Avery and the rest of the members sit back down as Cardinal Richelieu does the same. The rest of the meeting passes by as the members discuss projects for the poor and ill.

Cardinal Richelieu returns to his rooms as several priests and priestesses file in. Cardinal Richelieu smiles fatherly towards them and says, "The goddess wishes for her sheep to be tended in Alyssum."

The young priests and priestesses' eyes gleam excitedly at their first assignment. Cardinal Richelieu congratulates each by the hand as the group gaily runs out. Cardinal Richelieu waves goodbye until the last of them vanishes from sight as his eyes narrow thoughtfully after them.


~ POV of Courtiers of Alyssum ~

The palace is decorated in festive wreaths and decorations as the Yule holiday is almost upon them as the parties are in full swing every day until the 25th. The royal family was throwing the annual Yule ball on the 23rd as customary as the royal family performed a solemn service on the eve to receive the Yule.

Strutting like a peacocks and birds of feathers the courtiers gather in the ballroom. The women hide their smiles behind fans as they flirt with the men from across the room. The royal family majestically descends as the courtiers bow to handsome King and beauty of Queen. A soft sigh is head as the courtiers are in awe of their graces appearance.

Followed closely behind, the solemn Crown Prince, Prince Julian is accompanied by the princesses, the petite raven beauty, Princess Gwyneth. And, the rumored Scarlett Princess, Princess Lena.

Though beautiful beyond a doubt, there were to many rumors surrounding her to completely disregard them. The courtiers whisper furiously to each other at her appearance.

"I heard she slept with all the men in the barracks at Fort Terra."

"Slut!" "Whore!" "Wench!"

"Well, I heard she's a witch!"

"Idiot, she can't use magic!"

"Exactly who would ever suspect such a thing!"

The whispers continue until His Majesty takes the Queen by the hand and leads the first dance. The royal children remain standing and wait patiently for the dance to end. The courtier's voices shimmer down as they wait for the first dance to be done, before applauding his majesty.

The musicians instantly spring into a popular song as the couple's dart towards the dance floor. The royal children greet the courtiers as the courtiers do their best to hide their thoughts upon approaching the Scarlett Princess. And even then, they find themselves dazed as those sapphire eyes seem to pierce right through them.

The dazed courtiers gather in clumps as the whispers resume.

"She's a witch I tell you!"

"No, but a succubus definitely!"

"The Church of Light would had notified the kingdom!"

"Not if she seduced them!"

The whispers die down as the Scarlett Princess takes the floor with the crown prince. The two gracefully dance as the courtiers despite themselves find themselves nodding in approval. They applaud the two as the dance ends and the royal children return to chat with ambassadors.

The courtiers find themselves reluctantly speaking.

"So, she can dance, so can any noble lady."

"Yes, but she looked good didn't' she?"

"It's the dress, I'm telling you. Any woman would look good!"

The night passes away in high spirits as the tables are full with treats and food for the hungry. The courtiers dine on the food as games are being played by the younger children in the corners of the ballroom. The courtiers smile ruefully upon remembering joining in on the games of hide and seek or I spy.

Under the winter sky, the night roars on as the courtiers dance the night away. After all, what better way to celebrate the Yule?

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