* Chapter 11 - Necromancy

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-October 22nd of 1312

It had been two months since Lena was promoted to General. Immediately following her official promotion, Lena promptly promoted Lieutenant Darrell to the position of Captain, Staff Sergeant Jones to that of Lieutenant and Private Ace to that of Corporal.

Immediately after in-stating Darrell as Captain, Lena made sure to privately explain that Chief Officer Gauthier served directly under her and had his own set of separate orders. Captain Darrell clearly understood what Chief Officer Gauthier position was and did not oppose the command. Captain Darrell understood the value of an officer who is capable of acting outside of the official chain of commands.

More importantly while categorizing the inventory with the aid of Holly and Dolly, Lena discovered magical night vision goggles. They were much like eye glasses only with leather ties at the end of them to keep them from falling off your head.

Lena was full of glee and happily made the announcement to her four trusted officers. To her dismay, Captain Darrell was already of aware of their existence. With cold fury, Lena demanded to know why she had not been informed.

It had not occurred to Captain Darrell, that such items would be of use. After carefully educating her officers with tender love and care, Lena explained their incredible use.

Immediately after officers came forward with information other items. There was an item called hover boards or DB, (Drifting Boards). They were large board like items that once charged could carry a person for an hour. They had no fighting or defending capabilities other than evading and therefore were of no use to the military.

There also was a communication system set up at every fort and city. However, the lack of it's use was because of security purposes. Anyone had access to said system and could listen on if they wished too. The only times the system was used was for an emergency.

The only reason such items were not destroyed in the first place, because they were created by fallen heroes in the last Demon King uprising. To honor the fallen heroes the items were stowed away as historic relics.

With that in mind Lena created a new list of regiment protocol. First off, the creation of magical dog tags, but instead of Dog tag's they would be more like tattoos being imprinted onto the skin by mages, which would only be visible to their eyes and not to the enemies.

Which would allow for identification of the dead and prevent enemy infiltration. The dog tags were equipped to have a unique recognizable signature that could easily be verified by those aware of said mark. The master key would solely belong to Lena, allowing her to remove or alter said marks as a curtsey from Gadrin, Dolly's father.

(Dolly's father, Gadrin, happily accepted Lena's offer and was immediately transported the Bartholomew family home. Gadrin promptly began to work on projects commissioned by the army and Lena. But primarily was focused on managing the communication system.)

Another change was that Scouts were to carry small packs at all times much like military personnel out in the field. Lena couldn't do anything about camouflage, but she certainly could equip them better than the ragged backs they were equipped to go out into the field.

The packs contained their usual rations and first aid kit, but a much-needed addition of night goggles. Plus, small mirrors which to signal or gain better visualization, a small whistle when having to signal commands over enemy fire and other such useful trinkets.

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