* Chapter 14 - Checkmate

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-November 1st of 1312

The citadel is filled with the scent of smoke and dried metallic scent of blood as the sound of wailing children and weeping widows fills the air. Lena hardens her heart against the painful wails as she stands at the open window.

Dolly quietly approaches from behind and says, "General Bartholomew, we have finished gathering the people in the square and setup up the magic broadcast system to showcase your speech throughout the kingdom. The truth stone is also in place in the plaza."

Lena doesn't react other than heading to the citadel balcony to speak to the people down in the plaza bellow. As she strides down the hallway, through the windows she sees their dead gently placed at the funeral pyre with the fallen figure of Lieutenant Jones. Sadly, Lieutenant Jones was struck down by enemy forces and perished in the encounter.

As for the enemy, Lena ordered that they be extended the same curtsy. Her soldiers were somewhat reluctant to do so but wordlessly obeyed the command. Perhaps, this appeased the citizens as they had yet to openly revolt as of yet.

Lena takes a deep breath, before stepping forth and facing the people of the Kingdom of Cypress. The people don't shout or yell as they glare up at her.

Lena loudly says, "People of Cypress, I truly lament that we were forced to meet under the banner of war and not under the flag of peacetime.

I cannot ask for forgiveness, but I will ask for understanding. Please I beg of ye, open your ears, hearts and minds, before you judge me. And if you find that my words do not offer solace nor swift answer to fill that void, then I beg you judge my men not.

Because tis I who is guilty and not those that willingly followed me. I beg you lay all thy hate and blame at my feet for I will bear the responsibility."

Lena pauses for a breath, before continuing, "We came united against thee, because a house divided against itself cannot stand. I am horrified to say, that among our kingdoms there were vile conspirators to destroying the efforts of our kingdoms to maintain peace and harmony. Not only did your King Edward plot to kill his own brother under the guise of war, but took the lives of our crown prince and his loyal men."

At Lena's words the square is full with indignation and shouts. Lena speaks over the over the clamor, "Please call yourself denizens of Cypress as much as it pains me to say these words they hold truth. I will present the culprits to speak for themselves and testify before you."

Captain Darrell and Chief Officer Gauthier escorts the prisoners in chains, General Percy Byron, his son and daughter, Cassius and Marigold. And last but not least the pale faced King Edward Ⅲ.

The people gape at the four figures in chains as Lena takes advantage of the stunned silence to continue, "I will announce their crimes and then have them speak for themselves. And let us see if in the face of the denizens of Cypress they still dare deny their crimes."

Lena turns towards the four-prisoner and coldly declares, "I, General Bartholomew of Alyssum find General Byron with his son and daughter guilty of treason and murder."

Not only did they betray their vows and country, but sought to dethrone his majesty and instigate open rebellion. But not before committing a most vile treacherous act, the atrocious murder of the crown prince with the aid of thine king," Lena matter-of-factly stated as she overlooked the stunned crowd.

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