Chapter 2: Getting Married!

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I look at him with surprise. I cover my mouth with my hand.

"You don't like it?" He looks sad as he asks me about it.

"Jagiya... It's not that I don't like or want it. Of course, I want it to fulfill with you. I'm just worried about you... About your fans, about your carrier." I look sadly to the beautiful cake and the message written on the top of it.

"I already think of it thoroughly jagiya. I'm not getting any younger though. I want to settle down."

"What about SHINee?"

He holds my hand. "If you'll allow me to continue, then I'll continue. If not, then I will not continue. Whatever the decision we will come up, my SHINee brothers will accept it." He bites his lips. I know that he can see worries and confusion in my eyes. "Jagiya... I'll close and cover my eyes. At the count of five, if you'll blow the candle, it means you are agreeing to the message. If not, then you are not agreeing to the message. Before we do it, I just want you to know that whatever your decision is, I will understand it, arasseo?" He closes his eyes and covers it with his free hand. "Jagiya... Eun Jae-ya... Will you marry me?"

Jinki's P.O.V.

He can feel her hands trembling. He can also feel the sweat on her palm. He starts counting. For other people, planning to get married at this stage is too early. But for Jinki, he does not mind it anymore. He knows very well that Eun Jae is the right girl for him. The right girl that he has been waiting for. "One... Two... Three... Four... Five."

He slowly gets his hands away from covering his closed eyes. He is nervous to whatever her answer is, but he's willing to accept everything.

Jinki rubs his eyes for a couple of times before blinking again and again. He stands and pulls Eun Jae for a hug. The candles' lights are already gone.

"Gomawo jagiya... gomawo jeongmal!" He cannot express well his emotion. He was so worried and nervous earlier. He gets the ring box in his pants' pocket. His tears escape as he slowly slides the ring on her ring finger. Eun Jae too is crying with tears of joy.

Eun Jae's P.O.V.

"I love you so much Eun Jae. I love you, I love you and I love you." Jinki keeps on saying it before hugging me. When he releases me, he kisses my lips.

"Thank you for choosing me. I love you too so much Jinki." I stare with over flowing love in my eyes.

We both get startle when a party popper creates a loud sound behind us.

"Chukahae!!!" The four SHINee members congrats us with happy faces.

"Hyung, get married so soon, and give us a nephew or niece to play with." Taemin teases us.

"Ya... You still have a comeback this year, not to mention, it will be next month. Meaning to say, you'll be busy." I remind them.

"Aishh..." Everyone looks disappointed.

I look at Jinki. I'm trying to assess what he is thinking.

"Gwenchana guys. We are still not in the rush though. I bet this girl here does not want to rush everything. She's worried about the fans."

I face him. "I just don't want to over whelm them with so much shock okay? They didn't even know me and all they will just hear from you that you are getting married right there and then?"

Kibeom hits me gently with his elbow. "So does that mean that you agree to show to public your one year relationship?"

I am caught off guard. "Ahh... Me—Meolla..."

"Aigoo, let's not talk about it as of now, arasseo?" Minho pats Kibeom's head. "Ya... You're making her feel uneasy."

Kibum smirks to Minho. "Uneasy? Aishh... You'll be the one to feel uneasy today."

We laugh as we watch the two continuing on bickering each other. I lean my head when Jinki wraps my waist.

I sigh silently when I remember something. Will the fans be able to accept me? I am just a plain girl with no extraordinary talent, skill, history or what...


"Hmmm?" He rubs my arm to keep me warm. The two are now running, trying to hit one another. The other two joins them.

"Do you think your fans will accept me? I don't have anything. I'm just plain when compared to you. I am nobody at all."

Jinki kisses the top of my head. "Always remember this, yes, you may have nothing at all in material aspect, but your heart is always full of love, compassion, kind, patience and understanding. You're not plain because all that I mentioned makes you unique and beautiful than the others. You are not nobody at all, because you are that somebody that I truly love. So don't you dare feel bad about yourself jagiya. I'm even so proud of you."

"Ahhh... Thank you for that. I'm also so so proud of you." I stop when I remember something. I look around. No one is there, except the 6 of them. "Where are the employees of this place? Are there no other people here?"

He shakes his head. "The supposed guards on duty will just come here after we use this place."

"Are you telling me that you rent the whole place Mr. Lee Jinki?"

Jinki avoids my stares. "Aniyo."

"Yaa... This man. Stop wasting your money okay?" I glare at him.

He pinches my nose. "Aigoo... It's not wasting since I am surprising you. Besides, it's worth it."

"Tsk... Arasseo. Arasseo. Majingki." I run away when he starts tickling me for teasing him.


"Bye for now jagiya." I stop Jinki from going out his car. "People might see you."

He sighs as he shows sign of defeat. "Take care arasseo?"

I nod. "I will. Don't worry." I give him a smack on the lips before going out.

I watch the car going away from my uncle slash step father and mother's place. I stay here because I don't have a choice.

I silently get inside my room. I smile bitterly when I see my father's picture in my bed side table. He was my bestfriend, my protector and mentor. Tears start to fall when I remember his last words in the hospital.

Appa loves you always Eun Jae. Don't cry, be strong and continue to smile. I will always be beside you. I love you my little angel.

"Appa... I miss you. I have a news for you. I am already engaged with the most sweetest, caring and loving guy here on earth. How I wish you'll be there when I walk the isle on my wedding day." I touch his photo and hug it.

"Eun Jae-ya!!!"

I quickly place back my father's photo and wipe my tears. "For a while eomma."

I sigh as I see her drunk again. She's been like this after she remarried. Her new husband is terrible coz' he always batter us when he got home and he's not in the mood. He's a gambler too.

"Eommonie..." I try to help her stand and pull her towards their room.

"Eommonie? Sh***! You are not my daughter."

I try to smile. I am used of being told by her that way. My mother is a good mom before my father died. He does the thing that a mother should do for her daughter, but it is not also a blind thing for me not to notice that she lacks showing love towards me. Everytime I ask my father about it, my father always tell me that my mother is just jealous to the attention I get from my father. He also explained that my mother is just a bit depressed since she cannot have a baby anymore.

I cover my mother with the blanket properly. I hug her and kiss her forhead. "I love you eomma." I whisper it to her ears.

I go back to my room and prepares to go to sleep. I am hoping my step father will not go home as of today. At least, mother and I can sleep properly even for tonight.

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