Chapter 13: The Beginning of Separation

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I nod as a reply to Soo Young's question. I releases a deep breathe after a short quick prayer.

We get inside an adjascent room of the function hall. People are obviously looking at us, though everyone is still wearing a mask.

"Yeorobun, good evening. As you can see, I am very much delighted that you attended this event. I am pretty sure you are wondering why it should be a masquarade party, right? Well, let me call my son to explain why." Soo Young's father calls him. I feel a sudden nervousness when Soo Young stands and walks towards his father.

"You got me there appa. Well, basically, I opted to have a masquarade party because I want to add mystery to you. It has been known to you that I don't have a girlfriend for quite a long time right?" Soo Young chuckles as he asks the people. "Well... Finally, I found the right girl for me... And this is why I opted to have this kind of theme... To introduce to you my one and only girl..." Soo Young looks at me. "Babe, come here please."

I nervously stand and walk towards where he is. I show everyone a shy smile. The lights that directing towards us seems like blinding me from seeing the faces of the people in front of me.

Soo Young removes his mask. "Everyone, meet my girlfriend, Park Eun Jae." He assists me in removing my mask too.

I did not look directly to the crowd. I am biting my lips as I take a glance. I allow myself to roam around my gaze and to my surprise, I see Jinki and Ha Eun already removing their masks. Jinki stares back at me with pain in his eyes while Ha Eun looks at me with mockery written on her face.

"Jagiya..." I mutter under my breath. I see Jinki exiting silently while Ha Eun is after him.

Soo Young shakes my shoulder lightly. "Gwenchana?" He whispers to my ears.

I stare at him with teary eyes. I shake my head because I cannot say any word. I feel so down the moment I see the pain in Jinki's eyes. Soo Young on the other hand knows that there is something wrong going on me.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you may now continue to enjoy the party. Please have a fun night."

He holds my hand. "What's wrong?" He whispers as we go down from the mini stadium.

"He—He is here."

He shows me a frown. "Nugu?"

"My—My fiancee..." I try to look up to avoid letting my tears fall. I can't afford to cry right now, or else I will only create an issue.

"Mwuh? I thought he is not in the country?"

"That's—That's what I also thought. He must be mad to me oppa. Ottokhae?"

"Just where is he?"

"He—He walked away... He is in pain. Oppa, let's go. I need to talk to him."

I see Soo Young nodding. "Let's tell my parents that we will go ahead, okay?"

"Okay oppa."

We walk towards his parents. We had a short talk before we finally able to go.

I burst into tears the moment we get inside Soo Young's car.

"Hey... Calm down Eun Jae. Let's tell him that this is just a drama okay?" Soo Young brushes my back.

"What if he won't listen?" I said it with worries in my voice.

"Let's—Let's just try. Who is he anyway? Is he part of my relatives or a close friend that he is able to get in that room?"

"Ha Eun... Ha Eun brings him. He is... He is Jinki from SHINee."

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