Chapter 21: My Lost...

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One month after...

"Eomma... What is going on? Are you in pain? Please..."

I try to hold my mother's hand. I also feel pain when she feels pain.

Her condition seems worsening.

"Nurse, help my eomma, please." I call the nurse when I can't bear watching her in pain.

I see the nurse letting her drink medicine.

"Nurse... What's going on with my eomma? She's getting worse every day. I thought she only have a stage 1 cancer, but it seems worse than that." I cry in front of the nurse.

The nurse gestures me to go outside with her. She looks at me with pity eyes.

"Mam, I am not supposed to tell you this because Ms. Cheri asked us not to tell you, and looking at your condition... I don't know if you can bear it."

"Wae? What is it that I should know? Please tell me."

"She's... She has a terminal stage of cancer."

"What?! No... No... This can't be true please." I burst into tears. "Tell me that this is not true."

"Mam, I am telling you this to prepare yourself in anything possible that will happen. We do not hold her life mam, but we are doing our best to help her. I am really sorry for telling you this bad news mam."

"Why is this happening to me? Why my mother? Please not her. She's the only family that I have."

"Mam, please calm down. Try to relax mam. It is not good for the baby. Where is your husband mam? You should not be left alone."

"Gwenchana... I can manage myself. Go—Gomawo for telling me."

"But mam, you don't look good. Should we call your husband for you?"

"No. No. I don't have a husband. He already left me too. I'm fine."

"Just call us if you feel bad mam."

I nod to her. I feel that my world is turning upside down. My vision is blurry because of tears.

"Eun Jae..."

"Eomma? I am here." I hold my mother's hand.

"Why are you crying?"

"I feel worried about you eomma."

"Don't be. You should not be crying. Your baby will cry too." She said it in almost a whisper while trying to look at me.

"Arasseo." I wipe my tears and try to hold back the others.

"Eun Jae?"

"Ne eomma?"

"Let's go out and go to your favorite places? I want to be with you."

"A—Arasseo eomma. I will file a leave tomorrow."


I cover my mouth when my tears fall again. "I—I love you so much eomma."

"Nado saranghaeyo Eun Jae."



"Eun Jae, will you be okay with this? I mean you alone with imo?"

I nod. "Oppa, I just need your permission to allow me on this leave. I promise. I will be strong. I wanna spend the rest of her days to her favorite places. I want to fill the lost years and her remaining days with happy moments."

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