Chapter 41: Courting Again

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I jerk and land on the bed again when a pair of arms wrap around my waist and pull me on the bed. Jinki covers my mouth because I am not able to stop myself from shouting.

"Jagiya, our baby is sleeping." He whispers.

It is already dawn and I sneak towards his phone because I want to see what he is hiding earlier.

I turn around to face him. I pat him. It was a wise decision to put Tae Woo in the crib earlier or else, we might have landed on him. "Ya... Why did you do that?"

He suppresses a smile. "I know what you are planning to do jagiya."

I pout. He is indeed smart. "Please?" I use my aegyo to deceive him.

He only chuckles. He pokes my nose. "I love you Eun Jae, but you can't deceive me with that aegyo."

I puff an air. I tease him by pecking his lips. "Please?"

He only stares at me. "No."

"Jagiya..." I frown unhappily. I try to sit down, but he pulls me again which makes me land on top of him.

"Later..." He said before he kisses me passionately. We smile amidst our lips pressed together. We are in the heat of our passionate kiss when Tae Woo wails.

"Aishh! Lee Tae Woo, why do you have to cry at this hour?" Jinki complains.

I smile as I rest beside him. I pat his arm. "Jagiya, please get our baby."

"He is looking for his mommy."

"I love you Jinki."

"Arasseo! Arasseo!" He hisses while he gets Tae Woo from the crib.

"Ya... Lee Tae Woo, next time, let me finish kissing your mom arasseo? I miss kissing her."

"Aigoo majingki... What are you trying to teach our son? He is still so young for that thing."

"Aishh... I am just teaching him how to cry in timing." Jinki gives me our son.

I stare to Tae Woo. "Linki, don't listen to your daddy. Go back to sleep now baby."

I notice that Jinki is murmuring on something.

"Ya... What are you saying?"

"Nothing." He sulks. He lies down and turns his back on us.

"Neo jinjja!" I wait for Tae Woo to go back to sleep before I put him back to the crib.

I hug Jinki from his back. "Are you still sulking from me jagiya?" I whisper.

He turns around. "Ne."

"How to solve that?"


"I think I know." I initiate to kiss him. I smile when he responds. "No." I whisper as I try to stop him from raising my sleeping top.

"Please." He begs with puppy eyes. I roll my eyes as I allow him to do it the second time around.


"Morning. The others are looking for you." Jinki whispers to my ears.

I sleepily rub my eyes while not bothering to stand. "Wae?"

"Because they wonder why you did not eat with them?"

My eyes widen. "Omo!" I pat my forehead.

Before I can stand, Jinki holds my shoulders to stop me. "Relax jagiya, I told them that you wake up early and cook the meal and that you get tired since Tae Woo keeps on crying and that is the reason you go back to sleep." He winks at me. "I cooked a meal for them."

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