Chapter 34: Fleeing Away

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"Ahh..." I look away when I see Ha Eun spoon-feeding Jinki.

I try hard to ignore them, especially her. She keeps on emphasizing that she and Jinki has a relationship.

"Ahmm... I'll just go ahead. I'm done." I fake a smile while saying it to them. My appetite is suddenly gone.

How can I eat when I feel like being crushed inside me? I feel so jealous every time Ha Eun is so near to Jinki and he is not even avoiding it.

"But you are not yet done. You are not even eating properly." Jinki holds my hand when I pass beside them as I walk towards the sink.

I am a bit shock to know that he was observing me all the while. "A—Aniya. I'm full."

"No you're not. Eat."

"Aigoo... Don't force her to eat oppa. If she does not like to eat, then let it be. It's not your concern anymore." Ha Eun insists.

"Ha Eun-ssi is right Jinki. It is not your concern anymore. Please, you continue eating." I am trying my best not to crack my voice.

Jinki stands and pulls me back to my seat. He puts foods on my plate.

"Ya... Hajima. I'm full!" I stop his hands.

He looks at me seriously. "You should eat this all." He looks at Ha Eun. "Ya, can we eat properly? I have my own hands. I can feed on my own. You don't have to do that." He takes a seat.

I meekly take a look at Ha Eun who is staring at me with sharp eyes.

"Tskk..." Ha Eun hisses.

Jinki looks at her. "Ha Eun... Eun Jae is my wife and that makes me responsible for her. So stop glaring at her because it makes her feel uneasy. She needs these foods to be healthy for our son."

"You don't even have a proof that he is your son." Ha Eun smirks.

"I have." Jinki said while still eating. I automatically look at him while frowning.

"What are you trying to say Jinki?" Ha Eun's one brow is rising.

"I had him DNA tested and the result is positive."

"Mwuhra goo?" My ears are burning as I hear it. "When?"

"The day he was born?"

"Are you that hesitant to accept that Tae Woo is your son Jinki? Do you not trust me that much? Do you hate me that much?" I look at him with pain in my eyes.


"Shut up! I don't want to hear any excuses from you anymore." I stand and get Tae Woo from the stroller. My tears fall when I see the poor little angel staring at me.

"Eun Jae..."

I did not stop from walking. I get inside the room. I make sure to lock it. I pack some of our things. I need a space to breathe.

"Where are you going Eun Jae?" Jinki blocks our way when he sees us.

"Anywhere." I unfasten his hand. "Please Jinki, you have your visitor. Entertain her... Or maybe... You can make a child with her too... Bye." I did not allow him to stop me. My heart is just so in pain that I feel like it is going to burst anytime.

"Eun Jae!!!" Jinki calls out when he sees that I really start walking away.

I am crying hard inside the cab. I could not even say a single word to the driver except the line, 'drive please'.

"Miss, where do you want to go?" The driver asks after a few moments of silence.

I am about to say something, but decided to close my mouth. "Ahjussi, do you know a place where I can relax?" I look outside the window when I see that familiar place. "Ahjussi... Just stop it here."

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