Chapter 38: Almost Caught

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"Where have you been guys?" The four SHINee members ask. Jinki explains what happened.

"Ya, how could you not inform us? We were so worried." Kibeom pouts.

I look at Jinki. "You did not inform them?"

He shakes his head. "I thought you did."

"Yaa... You are the one who followed us. You should be the one informing them."

"You guys are so close. I thought you will inform them." He reasons out.

"Ya!Ya! Ya! Hajima. Why are you fighting over this? Stop that will you?" Jonghyun interrupts us. "Gwenchana. As long as the three of you are safe."

"Hyung, palli, change your clothes because manager hyung will be here any minute by now." Minho looks at Jinki.

"Omo, I almost forgot. Kedaryeo." He quickly gets inside his room while bringing our stuffs.

"Noona... You two look like you are not awkward anymore. What happened?" Taemin looks at me with teasing eyes. He gestures his two pointing fingers sticking together. "You are back together?"

I blush and pout. "Ani. We just agreed to be good parents to Tae Woo. And to start that, we should have a harmonious relationship right?"

I notice that the four frown. "Harmonious? How could that be possible if he is engaging into a—you know." Kibeom raises a brow whi le asking this.

"Meolla." I sigh. "I haven't thought of that."

We all turn our heads on the door when we hear the doorbell rings.

"Annyeong!" Their manager hyung greets us.

"Annyeong haseyo oppa." I greet him.

"Eun Jae-ssi, how are you? Omo... Uri cutie Tae Woo is awake. How are you dear?" Their manager gladly cuddles Tae Woo. "Such a good boy."

"Like me hyung." Jinki butts in.

"Aishh." Their manager hyung hisses.

Jinki walks towards me. "I have trouble with this thing." He pouts while showing to me his neck tie.

"Ya... You haven't mastered this one?"

"Kibeom always do this for me."

I get the tie and tie it. "You should learn how to do it properly."

I blink my eyes when I notice that the four and their manager look at us with disbelief in their eyes.


"Are you sure that you are not back together?" Minho repeatedly asks.

Jinki ruffles his hair. "We are trying to work things out as a family." Jinki faces back to me. This time around, I am holding Tae Woo. He kisses Tae Woo. "Don't be so stubborn to mommy okay? I love you Tae Woo." He looks at me.

I frown at him. "What?"

"Nothing. Take care here." He gives a smack on my cheek which makes me blush.

"What are you doing Jinki?" I whisper it to him.

"Trying to make things work. Look Tae Woo is watching." Jinki grins when I did not react.

I blush more when the guys tease us as they go out of the dorm.


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