Chapter 24: First Day in the Dorm

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"Where are you bringing my bags?" I stop the four who is bringing my stuffs when I notice them bringing towards Jinki's room.

"They'll be bringing it in my room." Jinki answers as he gets inside. I frown as I notice him bringing a stroller.

"Wae?" I couldn't help in asking.

"Because I think it's the appropriate room? Wae? You want to be sleeping in their rooms?" Jinki said sarcastically.

"Hyung!" The four said in chorus.

I bite my lower lip to stop my tears from falling. "Arasseo." I look away and concentrate in cuddling Tae Woo.

"Eun Jae... Why don't we get in? I'm sure you are tired too." Minho gently pulls me.

"Ne. Ne."


"Neomo gomawo." I beam a smile to the four. They help me arrange my stuffs while they keep on exchanging who should carry Tae Woo.

"Aigoo... You're welcome." Kibeom smiles in return. "Hmmm... Eun Jae, sorry for hyung's behavior earlier."

"Ahh, gwenchana."

"Tssk... We'll just talk to him about it Eun Jae arasseo?" Jonghyun assures me.

"Aigoo, gwenchana oppa. You don't have to do it. Maybe he is just having a hard time adjusting to things."

We all keep quiet and look to the door when we see Jinki getting in.

"Hmmm... We forgot, we need to do something first." Kibeom pushes the others towards the door while saying it. I look at them with panic in my eyes. I want to stop them, but it will look awkward.

"Is baby Tae sleeping?" Jinki asks while getting clothes.

"Ne. He must be craving a lot of sleep."

Jinki pulls the stroller towards me. "Why don't you place him here first? I'll just buy a crib for him."

I silently follow what he suggests. I glance at him. "I'll—I'll just make Tae Woo's milk."

"Huh? I thought you don't like feeding him with those kinds of milk?" I am surprised that he still remembers our talk before that I want to breastfeed my future baby.

"I—I urgh... I thought it will be awkward for you." I said with a blush. I try to hide it.

"It's okay."


"You are not planning to work now right?"

I look at him with surprised face. "No. I mean, of course, I am still planning to work Jinki."

He stands and walks towards the bathroom. "For what? To see your boyfriend there? Were you not advised by the doctor that you should rest? And how about baby Tae Woo? You'll risk him for that guy?"

I push my tears away. I feel insulted, but I try not to sniff hard. He got a point with it though. "Of—Of course... It's not because of him. I love my job there... I—I also need to earn for baby Tae Woo."

His head comes out behind the door. "You don't have to. I'll provide you with anything, just focus your attention to Tae Woo."


"I don't like hearing buts."

"O—Okay." I sigh in defeat.


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