Chapter 22: Little Angel is Born

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Jinki's P.O.V.

"Manager hyung... Palli."Jonghyun interrupts their manager's concentration.

They are going back to their dorm from an early guesting.


"Our chingu... We can't find her." Jonghyun continues.

"And then?"

"She's 8 months old pregnant hyung. There must be something wrong. She called our common friend, but she only said oppa... After that, a loud sound is heard." Kibeom explains.


"Hyung palli juseyo." Taemin begs their hyung.

"Arasseo. But you Onew, you still have an interview today."

"Ne." He said seriously. "I did not forget it hyung."

"But hyung! You are supposed to be the one who is really needed there!" Minho frowns while saying it in a loud and high pitched voice.

"Why is that so?" Their manager glances at them.

"Hyung is the father."

"Mwuh?" Their manager looks shock. He stops the car. "Mwuh ra goo?"

"I am not the father. How many times do I have to tell you that?" Jinki insists.

"Hyung... Please... Believe me... We've been observing Soo Young and Eun Jae, but all we can see is that Soo Young is treating her like his sister." Jonghyun frustratingly explains it.

"Aish... Let him believe whatever he wants to believe." Kibeom rolls his eyes. "Hyung, I really do hope you won't regret that decision of yours."

"Manager hyung, kaja. We still need to find Eun Jae." Minho tries to reach and taps their manager's shoulder.

"Ya... Ya... You should rest. Stop this nonsense arasseo?" Their manager hisses.

"Ani. This is not nonsense... Hyung, if there will be something wrong with Onew hyung's baby and as well as the mother of this baby, it's your fault."

"Ya! Jinjja?! Did you hear your hyung? It's not his baby."

"Hyung?!" The four frustratingly said.

They all keep quiet when they reach their dorm.

"Manager hyung, please... We need to visit and see her." Jonghyun begs one more time.

"Aigoo... Arasseo. But you should be back before Onew and I come back here, get it? And make sure not to be caught."

"Asa! Gomawo hyung!" The four quickly go out the doorway.

"Onew hyung... We'll update you as to where hospital she is. Just in case." Kibeom leaves Onew and their manager with those words.

He looks at his manager. "What?"

"You really is the father?" Their manager looks at him with disbelief.

"Tssk. We did it for only once hyung. Besides, she is living in another man's house."

"Ya, Lee Jinki, just make sure that it is not yours. What if the others are telling the truth? Aigoo... Would you like your child be illegitimate?"

Jinki remains silent. After a few seconds, he stands. "Let's go hyung. We will be late for the interview."


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