Chapter 15: Unexpected Truth

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Jinki's P.O.V.

He wakes up with a heavy head. He remembers that he was drunk earlier. He checks the time. It is already 2 in the morning. "Aishh..."

He goes out from his room to check if there is a med for headache or for hang-over.

"Hyung..." The four just get in the dorm.

He stares at them with a frown. "Where have you been that you just come back?"

"Hospital." Minho simply said it.

"Hospital? Why? Who is hospitalized?"

The four take a seat first before answering him. "When Eun Jae gets out of this place... She is bleeding. You saw the pain in her eyes right? You almost lost your baby hyung." Jonghyun explains it to him. "Thank God your baby was able—"

He glares at Jonghyun. "Stop. That is not my baby."

"Ya! It is your baby hyung! Yours!" Kibeom exasperatedly said it to him.

"No! Did you know that she is staying in her boss' house? Did you know I was there when her boss declared that she is hi—"

"Have you listened to her reasons hyung? And remember, you are the first one who takes her innocence. How could you?" Minho disappointingly shakes his head while saying it.

"That was only once! It is impossible to happen!"

"Are you not the one who said that maybe she'll get pregnant because you did not use any protection?" Taemin asks him.

Jinki smirks. "Ye... I said that, but like what you said, it is a maybe. Why? Is her boss not capable of providing her a baby?"

"Hyung please... That baby is yours. You should listen to her." Kibeom tries to convince him.

Jinki shakes his head. "No... I have no business with her. I saw everything. I saw how sweet they were with his boss. It's over. Everything is over between us." He walks back towards his room again.

After 2 months...

Eun Jae's P.O.V.

"Sleepy head... Ya..." Soo Young pats my shoulder. "You are not going to work?"

I yawn as I sit on my bed. "Have you forgotten oppa? It's my schedule for prenatal check up. Meaning to say, I am in a day off."

Soo Young pats his forehead. "Right! That is right! I forgot! OMG, I have an urgent meeting. Who can go with you?"

"Gwenchana. I can go by myself." I chuckle. "You don't have to oblige yourself in accompanying me there."


"I'll be fine oppa." I know Soo Young is just worried. I know that he knows that I am crying when I remember Jinki from time to time. Especially now that Jinki and Ha Eun's drama is airing.

"Should I ask the four to accompany you?" Soo Young and the four SHINee members becomes friend, but we keep the fact to the four that he is a gay. He also allows the four to visit me in his house.



"You just want to see Minho... Aigoo..." He has an ultimate crush to Minho.

"Aish... That is not true! Of course my first reason is to make sure you'll be fine. That is only a second option." He rolls his eyes as he giggles.

I throw him a pillow. "Ya... Are you fan girling in front of me?"

He merongs before he goes out. "Bye Eun Jae. Love ya'"

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